Monthly Newsletter Archives Vol. 2 (1999)

August - November 1999

(Note: HAUNTED PLACES REPORT was originally the HAUCK REPORT.)


Vol. 2 No. 8   August 1999     





- ALCHEMY OF CONSCIOUSNESS   (A dialogue on the nature of mystical and paranormal experiences)

- CURRENT PARANORMAL ACTIVITY  (Breaking cases and current investigations from throughout the world)

- TRUE LIFE ENCOUNTERS  (Accounts of true mystical and paranormal experiences in the person's own words)

- NEW RELEASES  (Reviews of new books and videos on mystical consciousness and paranormal events)

- ANNOUNCEMENTS  (News you can use: media events and organizational activities from around the world)

- LECTURES/APPEARANCES  (Upcoming public events and programs featuring Dennis William Hauck)





I had only been married for a year at the time, about 20. My husband and I had a friend named Marilyn. She led a pretty rough life and was the same age as me. I think that she use to sell drugs. I ended up having a dream about her. I was between apartments and hadn't gotten a new one yet. In my dream, I was in a strange apartment that I had never seen before, and she knocked on the door, I invited her in for some coffee, and we chatted for a while. She said goodbye and left. When I awoke, I told her about the dream. She just listened saying nothing. A few months later, she was stabbed to death in a drug deal gone bad. I had my new apartment, the EXACT one from the dream. I think she said goodbye while she was still alive. It is now 5 years later and I haven't heard from her since. I'm remarried and live in a different apartment. - <knb@cancom.net> (


(Please let me know if you have progressed through changes in personality or

perspective due to a paranormal or mystical encounter or if you have any general comments on this kind of transformation. Email: DWHauck@poetic.com.)





CALIFORNIA -  Port Hueneme Naval Base

(An Investigative Report by Richard Senate (http://www.charonpress.com/ghost/ghost.htm)


The Port Hueneme Naval Base has many stories of ghosts. The Officers Club, formerly the Senator Thomas Bard Mansion, has long history of strange psychic events. Some believe that the ghost of Mrs. Bard walks the halls,

others report the phantom of the old senator himself haunting the second floor, still others point to sightings of a Chinese servant as the specters that dwells in the three storied house. But, new accounts point to the new Navy Exchange warehouse as perhaps more haunted than the mansion! It was built on the site of the Clinic, once the NAVFACCO Office. The sightings of ghosts in that old structure date back to the Second World War. A phantom officer was once encountered late at night. There were reports of whispering voices that came at a set time each day. When personnel checked, there was no one around or any logical explanation for the sounds. Long ago one office worker would turn up the radio at her desk to drown out the persistent whispering. Years ago a two naval personnel witnessed a man run though the building late at night, wearing clothing that resembled the uniform of the Second World War, He ignored them and ran past. It was a long moment before they the witnesses recalled that all the doors and windows were locked for the night. When they checked there was no one there and the doors were still locked! The man they saw looked as if he was determined and very solid--unlike the commonly held view that ghosts are semi-transparent or dressed in white.

The old building is history now--but the ghosts may not have been evicted with the demolition. These are but a few of the storied that I have heard regarding the new Navy Exchange. A young man was stocking merchandise before the store was open when he saw an office in uniform standing, looking at a rack of uniforms. He got up to inform the office that the store was not as yet open but he would be glad to help him. The officer, turned to him and abruptly vanished! Another time a young woman was working in the wee hours of the morning when she heard the distinct sounds of someone walking. There should have been no one there at that hour. The steps seemed to grow louder and she became filled with fear. The slow, measured steps began to come down the stairway. Nervous, she glanced over and saw nothing on the stairs. The worker retreated to the bathroom and sought refuge in one of the stalls. While there something began to rattle the door and jiggle the handle. She looked under the door and saw nothing--no feet or any sign of an intruder. Still another reported an odd happening. Late one night a young man went to the vending machines for a snack. He walked away and then remembered that he forgot his change. He turned and heard a woman's voice say, " Did you forget something?" There was no one there! He ran away, unwilling to return to vending machine, out of fear. There was

no else in the building. Another heard a grunting sound echoing in the halls and others have reported a moving shadow drift along a wall. Is the new building haunted? Perhaps. The files of psychic research are filled with accounts of haunted building being torn down only to have the structures built on the same location haunted with the older spirits. This

could be the case here. Many hospitals are documented as having ghosts this could well have been the reason the older structure had its phantoms. As the weeks pass I am confident that new reports of the Navy Exchange ghosts will surface. So, if you happen to visit the Exchange and should find yourself in the uniform section and if you should see an office, don't be surprised if he should all of a sudden vanish away.   <ghostlamp@email.msn.com>


WISCONSIN - Rhinelander


There is a well known haunted house in my hometown of Rhinelander, WI.Rumor has it was a "whore"house with a saloon in the cellar in the late 1800's. Then about 1920 it was known to be a resort. About 15 years later it became an apartment building. It was then made into a foster home for children in 1964. I know of this house because my fiance's grandmother raised her kids and foster kids in this house. Many sightings have been reported in this house. My personal sighting was in late October of 1998. It was about 9pm when my parents and I went to this house with my brother who had been checking out the place all week so he pretty much knew his way around the house. It was dark and we pulled into the driveway. We were prepared to be scared since it was dark and we knew the history of this house. We brought a little flashlight as our only source of light.(Dumb!!!) My brother had blocked off the front door so people couldn't get in easily. We had to go through the back door. Walking past the side of the large house we made our way to the back entry. We enter and walk past what was once a sauna that was known to have burnt down when it was a resort, and took the lives of many children. When we walked past it we could smell the aroma of burning wood. We then walked up about three stairs to get in the first floor. Very dark!!! Heard of few noises which we expected and that didn't spook us out that much. My brother then guided us to the second floor and we heard a lot of shuffling on the floor like someone was walking. We were starting to get freaked out and walked that much faster through. We went to the cellar. I was the last in line.(Yikes!) Really heard nothing in there, but earlier in the week my brother had taken pictures of the house and in two different pictures we saw the same man in the cellar. So in the back of my mind was this man. I wanted to hurry up and get out of there. We slowly went back up the stairs and I heard noises then coming from the cellar like a man running. After I got past the stairs and walked a little ways further we all heard glass breaking down in the cellar like someone broke a window or a bottle. That scared us! We went off to the left to a little side room that looked like a laundry room. We heard so many noises that scared us that at that point we really wanted to get the hell out of the house!!!! I cannot even remember all the noises I heard, so that is why I cant go into extreme detail about everything.

So, anyway we were trying to make our way to the back door in the dark when my step dad's hat got knocked of his head. We were begging my brother to get us out of there. After some screaming and yelling he showed us the way towards the back door. As we were making our way, a long noises caught our attention, I can't remember what though. We all turned around and all of a sudden the floor started shaking like a wave from the front of the house to the back where we were. That was the last straw!!! We needed to get out of there before we got hurt!! We found the stairs and screamed (literally) out of there. We got outside and I ran back in to the car where I would once again feel safe.

That was the last we saw of that house. No one has returned since and no one plans to return.  - Angie Fanning(hotangel_19@yahoo.com)






I was 16 years old. Our family had moved into sixty year old home on a 95 acre farm outside of Templeville, Maryland. It was a small, three bedroom cape styled house, with a big barn and a couple of outbuildings. My sister and I used to jump from the loft of the barn to the ground below, until my uncle visited early that spring. He and his wife and two daughters were staying with us while waiting to be shipped to Germany. He was in the Army. While putting some of his storage in the barn, he heard sounds in the loft. He told us later that the sounds were of something big moving across the floor of the loft. He thought at first it was our German shepherd, Gunner, but looking around, could not see how he could have gotten up there. There was no visible ladder. He told us he called up there, "Gunner, what are you doing up

there?" seeing and hearing nothing else, he climbed on some of the boxes enough to be able to poke his head into the loft. He told us he saw nothing, but experienced such a malevolent feeling, that he just climbed back down. He said it felt like whatever was up there definitely did not want him there. As the summer wore on, the activity escalated. My brother, having to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, (he was eight at the time) walked through the kitchen to turn on the light. Our bathroom was downstairs, through the kitchen and the mudroom. He saw a figure crouched under the table in the blackness of the kitchen. This prompted him to go to the lightswitch at the other end of the kitchen. As he did so, he saw a fist come at his face from the doorway to the mudroom just before light flooded the kitchen. It was so real, that he ducked, closing his eyes. He could describe the ring on the finger and the dark hairs just above the knuckles. When he opened his eyes, the light was on, and nothing was there. It was a hot, heatwave wracked summer, with horrific thunderstorms that year. Other incidents that happened included a sighting of a teenage girl going up

the stairs to the bedrooms, hearing a beast snarling just outside the back door, cloying, noxious, unexplained odors, Both our dogs (a shepherd and a malamute) being afraid to go outdoors or to certain parts of the house, wrappings and tappings in the walls and at the windows, and our shepherd having unexplained seizures where only our touching him

could bring him out of it. After the house was struck by lightning and later that fall, a tree falling on my car just as I was about to drive my sister up to the bus stop, we found another house and moved out. We never did find any information on the house that would explain the occurrences.  - Bonnie Kotch <bkotch@epix.net>



My friend and I were walking to a good friend of ours but something caught our eyes, a very old church. The thing of it was that there was no path to it , or that we could see at that time. After we walked around a few times we saw ,finally, an alley that led to the back. So, we decided to go ahead and see what we could see. The inside was filled with cob webs, dirt and was falling apart. It was getting late and we thought we should be going, when we heard a preacher we turned around and the church looked brand spanking new! We both were in awe. Then all of the sudden we heard shrieking and saw flames on the curtains. It was total chaos in the now burning down church the ghostly figures ran right through us. We decided to leave when outside we looked back and saw no flames just an old church. - <roporz@email.msn.com>









by Linda Keen (Hampton Roads Publishing, Charlottesville, Virginia)


      Linda Keen, author of Intuition Magic (Hampton Roads 1998), has always been fascinated by the spiritual depth she sensed about John Lennon and always wanted to interview him for a book. Lennon, of course, was the lead Beatle singer who was shot to death by a crazed gunman in front of the Dakota apartments in New York City in 1980. Having missed her chance while Lennon was still alive, she decided to focus her considerable psychic talents on contacting him on the Other Side.

      What is amazing about this book, however, is not that she was able to contact John Lennon  dozens of psychics have already claimed to have done that. What is amazing is the volume of evidence she accumulated to prove her claims. These one-on-one conversations with John Lennon seem like the real thing! They are amusing, revealing, and thoughtful conversations that reflect Lennon's wry wit, spiritual depth, and sometimes absurd manner of telling stories. Along with insights on his new surroundings, Lennon expresses his views on the break up of the Beatles, the dangers of being a celebrity, and even the assassin who took his life. At one point he reveals how he and Yoko Ono always believed they were soul mates from past lives and even incarnated once as Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

      Surprisingly, John Lennon had a more active role in writing this book than anyone might have guessed. In spring 1990, a diskette from Linda's word processor containing three years work had mysteriously gotten erased. She was in shock. All she had left of her work were unedited printouts. "Why, Oh why!" she cried out loud. At that instant, Lennon appeared before her.

      "Poor thing!" he snorted. "But losing the characters on that funny plastic thing is telling you you're working on a project which is getting too big to have on your machine  it can't even make copies, for Christ's sake! Yer being' warned  just in time, mind you  before you have even more to lose."

      "What are you getting at?" Linda asked.

      "Dearie, this is one of those rites of passage. You should start using a computer  a real one, not that half-assed thing you're using now."

After awhile, Lennon finally admits he erased the diskette because he thought the word processor Linda was using would "screw up the project." Linda gets upset and tells Lennon she can't learn a computer plus rewrite everything she has lost.

"Yer fear is naked illusion, believe me," says Lennon. "I'm sure you'll learn to use one of those things. In fact, it'll improve yer creative powers  just wait and see!" 







Jackie Colligan has a great new website devoted to electronic voice phenomena. You can listen to EVPs she has recorded and view other paranormal information. Go to


Dennis William Hauck will host a regular Internet chat room devoted to alchemy and the role of paranormal and mystical experiences in personal transformation. Share your questions and gain insight into alchemical methods to get control

over your experiences. The two-hour discussion starts at 9:00 PM EST (8:00 CST/7:00 MST/ 6:00 PST) on alternate Saturdays and is hosted by the ADC Project website, which is devoted to counseling people who have questions about

mystical, paranormal, and transpersonal experiences. To join the discussion, go to ADC chat rooms section at http://www.after-death.com/chat/index.htm. Choose a nickname and select "Alchemy" from the pull-down list. Schedule for 1999: September 4, 18; October 2, 16, 30; November 13, 27; December 11.


Stories and photos needed for new INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF HAUNTED PLACES. Do you have any photos or stories of locations outside the United States that are allegedly haunted? Please share your material and receive a free copy of this massive new directory to be published by Penguin next year. Your name and organization will also be listed in the credits and acknowledgements. Contact DWHauck@poetic.com for more information.







VIRTUAL U. Wisdom Radio Network. September 18, 1999.

Dennis William Hauck will be a guest on Virtual U hosted by Jeffrey Mishlove on Saturday, September 18, 1999, on the Wisdom Radio Network. The two-hour program on "The Emerald Tablet" will be aired 8:00-10:00 PM PST and rebroadcast from 10:00-Midnight PST. You can hear it on the web at http://www.wisdomradio.com and also on the C-band satellite system. Be sure to check out Jeffrey Mishlove's enlightening website at http://www.mishlove.com. 


CELEBRATION OF WORDS. Sacramento, California. September 18-19, 1999.

Dennis William Hauck will be a featured speaker at the tenth annual Sacramento Reads celebration to be held in the Downtown Mall. The outdoor event has dozens of speakers, booksignings, and book sales and attracts nearly 40,000 visitors. For more information, email bobbie.spivey@agamwestfob.com.


SACRAMENTO THEATRE CO. Sacramento, California. September 19.

This open house will feature booksignings and tables from sponsors of the theater company. Open house goes from 1:00-6:00 PM, followed by the premiere of "Laughter on the 23rd Floor." D.W. Hauck will have a table featuring all his books. Sacramento Theatre Co., 1419 H Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. (916) 446-7501.


EVOLVING TIMES EXPO. Sacramento, California. September 24-26, 1999.

Dennis William Hauck will present a free lecture on the secrets of the Emerald Tablet at the twelfth annual Evolving Times Expo at the Sacramento Convention Center. The lecture takes place in Room 201 at 4:30 PM. The expo is devoted to personal growth and global change and features hundreds of exhibitors. For more information, call (916) 965-TIME or write Evolving Times, 10207 Fair Oaks Blvd., Fair Oaks, CA 95628.


WHOLE LIFE EXPO. Chicago, Illinois. October 15-17, 1999.

Hundreds of speakers and exhibitors on such topics as Eastern philosophy, health, channeling, homeopathy, alchemy, meditation, Native American beliefs, shamanism, metaphysics, New Science, and personal growth. Dennis William Hauck will hold a free public lecture on "The Emerald Tablet" on Saturday, October 16, at 6:00 PM in Room 7. For more information, call (415) 721-2484 or visit http://www.wholelifeexpos.com.


NEW RENAISSANCE BOOKSTORE. Portland, Oregon. October 23, 1999.

Dennis William Hauck will hold an alchemy workshop from 6:30-9:00 PM on Saturday, October 23 at the New Renaissance Bookstore, 1338 NW 23rd Ave., Portland, OR 97210. The charge is $15. For more information, call (503) 291-8229.


LEARNING EXCHANGE, Sacramento, California. October 28, 1999.

Dennis William Hauck will hold a three hour workshop from 6:30-9:30 PM on Thursday, October 28, at the Learning Exchange, 650 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95825. Topics covered will include the alchemy of paranormal experiences and local haunted locations in the Sacramento area. To register or for more information, call (916) 929-9200.


WALDENBOOKS. Sacramento, California. October 30, 1999.

Dennis William Hauck will sign copies of all his books from 12:00-4:00 PM at the Waldenbooks Authors Fair at Country Club Plaza, 2423 Butano Dr., Sacramento, CA 95825. For more information, call (916) 481-7753.


PHILOSOPHICAL RESEARCH SOCIETY. Los Angeles. November 13, 1999.

D.W. Hauck will lecture and autograph copies of THE EMERALD TABLET on Saturday, November 13, from 2:00-3:00 PM at the Philosophical Research Society, 3910 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. For more information, call (800)548-4062 or (323) 663-2167. Email: info@prs.org. Website: http://www.prs.org.  


WISDOM RADIO NETWORK. October 27, 1999.

On Wednesday, October 27, 1999, D.W. Hauck will be a guest on the Jill & Friends radio show from 2:00-4:00 PM PST on the Wisdom Radio Network. For information on stations and Internet broadcasts, visit http://www.wisdomradio.com.


EAST-WEST BOOKSHOP. Sacramento, California. January 7, 2000.

Dennis William Hauck will hold a lecture and booksigning from 7:00-9:00 PM on Friday, January 7, 2000, at the East-West Bookshop, 2216 Fair Oaks Blvd. in Sacramento. Fee is $8.00, $2.00 of which applied toward discounted purchase of book. For more information or to reserve a seat, call (916) 920-3837.



To unsubscribe, send email to HauckReport-unsubscribe@onelist.com. To

subscribe, go to www.onelist.com/subscribe/HauckReport. Archives of this

newsletter are available at  www.onelist.com/archives/HauckReport. Articles on

related subjects, personal accounts, media information, and organizational

activities are always welcome! Send to DWHauck@poetic.com.



Vol. 2 No. 9   September 1999     


- ALCHEMY OF CONSCIOUSNESS   (A dialogue on the nature of mystical and paranormal experiences)
- CURRENT PARANORMAL ACTIVITY  (Breaking cases and current investigations from throughout the world)
- TRUE LIFE ENCOUNTERS  (Accounts of true mystical and paranormal experiences in the person's own words)
- NEW RELEASES  (Reviews of new books and videos on mystical consciousness and paranormal events)
- ANNOUNCEMENTS  (News you can use: media events and organizational activities from around the world)
- LECTURES/APPEARANCES  (Upcoming public events and programs featuring Dennis William Hauck)



We bought this house last year in April, and I have seen a male standing around our pool on at least three occasions, and then he just disappears. Each time I am standing in my kids' bedroom. Last night on my way back from taking one of our dogs into the backyard I was walking down the hallway and looked out the sliding door in my daughters bedroom to our pool area. He was bent over looking down into our pool. My 5-year-old son tells me that there is a man in his room at night. This ghost is really changing our life. I feel that perhaps he is trying to caution me about the pool, or he is guarding the kids somehow.

(Please let me know if you have progressed through changes in personality or perspective due to an "interactive" paranormal or mystical encounter or if you have any general comments on this kind of transformation. Email: DWHauck@poetic.com.)


CALIFORNIA - Ojai  (Investigative Report by Richard Senate)

The Ghost Nun of Saint Thomas Church. It looks for all the world like one of the California Missions. It isn't, being constructed in 1930 or so. It isn't even a church now, having been converted into a museum. But, If the stories are true there may well be a few surprises lurking in those walls for the new museum volunteers. They told me that the place was haunted by a ghost Nun. They would see her wandering the grounds. It was said that if children wandered away during services the ghost nun would seek them out and
return them to the chapel, then she would vanish away. The story seems to have come from students in the local Catholic School. I will be on the lookout for tales involving a phantom Nun linked to the new Ojai Valley Museum.
The Haunted Grave. They say that there is an old graveyard up by the Catholic School. Its not in great shape and the stories say that only the priests who once taught at the school are buried there. One of the graves is covered by a crumbling slab of cement. The legend is that this is the grave of a crusty old priest who had, over time, lost his faith. Because he could not believe he was not given the grace to enter heaven and his ghost was seen walking the grounds of the school and the road near the cemetery. The sightings of the priest grew so persistent that the religious order had a slab of cement poured over the grave site in hopes that it would keep him in his grave. Well, the cement is cracking now and some say that in time the ghost will once again make its presence known to the living! This could
be so much idle speculation and superstition, but, one can never be too sure. I will be keeping my eyes open for clerics on the prowl in the future.
The Haunted Dip. East of the center of Ojai, on what was once a lonely strip of pavement there is a story of ghosts that dates back to the 1950s and the ‘Hot Rod' craze. The legend has it that long ago, kids would use that strip late at night for illegal drag races. High School students would bet their savings, ever the cars they labored on, in thrilling races. Sometimes these encounters even became deadly. Once two rivals met on this modern field of honor. They both loved the same girl. They would settle the issue in a car race. Passions roared almost as loud as the four-barreled carburetors. The handkerchief was dropped and the two Hot Rods burned rubber in the night. The two boys raced in the wildest and fasted contest in Ojai Valley history. The as one car seemed to inch in front of the other, a tire blew. One car struck the other one and both went out of control and into a depression. The cars, with their souped up engines and high test gas exploded. Both the drivers were killed, burned to death in the chariots they had made. They say, on moon less nights, late at night, some say 3 am, on the road way with the dip, you can still here them racing, still hear the roar of the
motors and the long screech of tires peeling on pavement. Then, there is a cold silence. They re-enact the awful night when the last race was staged in Ojai--the race that ended in death.
The Haunted Arroyo. Near the old Jail building, just beyond the Ojai Bowl, is a weed filled arroyo. It was said that in the early 1980s it was a favorite hang out for those who lived to take illegal drugs. It was a place to go back then, at least with the crowd did such things. Unfortunately, one poor teenaged girl took something that caused her to go into an over dose reaction. Her friends were shocked as she went into a coma and then sudden death. They ran from the place, leaving her to die alone and friendless. They were fearful they would be caught and their drug use made public. The body was found after a long search but, because of what happened, so they say, her restless spirit is rumored to haunt the arroyo late at night. Sometimes they hear her voice calling out, other times they see a dark shadow hovering in the trees and along the water way. A sad spirit seeking her way into the next world.
- Richard Senate www.ghost-stalker.com or email ghostlamp@msn.com

CALIFORNIA - Travis Air Force Base

Right now I'm currently stationed at Travis Air Force Base, Ca. I work on large cargo aircraft (the C-5 Galaxy). Well, as you may know many of the early versions of these aircraft were used in the Vietnam war to bring back those that were killed in action. Also some of these aircraft were used to bring back some of the dead from the Jonestown incident. Well back in 1997 while working the grave shift, I had to go out to an aircraft by myself to perform some maintenance on the aircraft. Well, the aircraft was in a hangar and I was dropped off by myself to do the work and call back for a ride once I was done. Well the C-5 is the large aircraft and we have to use stands on the outside to perform work. I walked to the side of the hangar to get a stand. Well when pushing it back I felt like I was being watched by someone, so instinctively I looked up at the aircraft. When I did, I noticed this face in the copilot's window ( which is about 40 feet up in the air). Well all of the sudden, this face sorta grinned at me in an almost evil way. Thinking I was seeing something, I dropped my head, continued to push the stand, and did my work. Well once I called for my ride to pick me up, I had to go upstairs into the plane to get the aircraft forms to be signed off by my supervisor. When I walked upstairs I quickly found the forms but as I turned around, I felt that feeling again of being looked at. This time it was towards the back of the aircraft's flight deck which is about 50 feet long, with two bunk rooms, a relief crew area, a galley, a courier compartment, and an environmental room which contains all the air conditioning and environmental controls. Well when I looked down that way, I felt this presence rush towards the front where I was standing. All of the sudden the hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. To me it felt like this thing was going to push me downstairs, so I immediately rushed downstairs(which is 2 flights of stairs). When I got to the ground, I looked back up and still felt that something or someone was watching me. I quickly got my supervisor to sign off the forms. This time I just left the forms in the cargo box by the first set of stairs, not wanting to tempt fate. I told my supervisor of what just happened and he kinda laughed and told me that he had heard stories of certain planes being haunted. Till this day, I will not work on that aircraft without someone else and will not work on it after sunset. 
- Senior Airman J. H.

MISSOURI - Vernon County

There is a haunting going on just outside the Nevada town area in Vernon county, Missouri. There is an unmarked graveyard just of the side of a road there. I have heard many stories reported outside that area and many that directly involve the graveyard. I have spent some time there, on dark, summer, nights and have experienced some very strange things that I cannot explain. I have just began
to unearth some info on the graveyard through some "old timers" and the local archives.
- Cory Galster <deadman333@hotmail.com>

OHIO - Oxford

Earhart Road near Oxford, Ohio, is said to be haunted. It is a big legend here in Ohio. The story is either that a motorcyclist or bicyclist was riding and got hit by a car and died alongside the road. Now the ghost of that person replays his death there. Legend says if you flash your headlights three times and see the renactment. People come there nightly to see it.
- Ryan Toms <ryantoms@geocities.com>


As a child (pre-teen) my family moved into a much larger home, suitable for a six member family. The house was only ten years old and my mother had often admired the home and was very happy when it went on the market. After some time in the house, strange things began to occure. The first thing I can remember clearly happening was a loud crash from the kitchen at about 3:00 a.m. and my parents went running down the stairs to find out what had happened. Needless to say there was nothing out of the ordinary found. They checked doors and windows and things for signs of an attempted break in... to no avail. They brushed it off as imagination (the entire family heard the crash). From this time on we would hear tapping on the outside walls (the house was made from red brick), shaking of the house in the early morning hours (no earthquakes or tremmors ever reported to the news), upon asking neighbors if they felt the "tremmors" they thought we were nuts. I remember one instance several years after being in the house, I came home to an empty house (family was at a friends house). I sat down to enjoy a TV dinner and was gonna watch the tube. I looked down at the family pets (cat & a dog) and they both appeared to be begging to something or someone in front of them as they were faced away from me and looking toward the ceiling. I turned of the tv for a moment to listen and realized I could hear what seemed to be footsteps upstairs in my room (directly above the TV room). Oddly enough, there was wall to wall carpet upstairs and this sounded as if someone were walking on a hardwood surface. Upon investigation by myself and a close friend... we found NOTHING.
- K.L. Fliger <kfliger@acun.com>

My mother told me a story once about her encounter with a ghost, when she tells it she seems to go through the whole experience over again as if it just happened the other day. When she was around eight years old she was staying at her grandmothers house in Kingston Ontario, and she got up in the night to go to the bathroom, she waundered down the hall and in the kitchen just ahead of her sat a woman that she thought was her grandmother . She was seated at the table with her head resting in her hands, my mother figured that she must have had a headache, which she at the time had frequently been having. She didn't say anything to the woman but merely went into the washroom and closed the door. When she was done in the washroom she didn't flush the toilet because it had a loud flusher (so she said). She went down the hallway on her way back to the bedroom, but halfway there had the sensation that she was being followed. She climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. The woman who she still thought was her grandmother was standing at the edge of her bedside staring at her without blinking, which really unerved my mother; she said that she asked her "grandmother" what was wrong a few times before she realised that she wasn't going to get an answer. My mom said that she felt frozen and couldn't move and the woman wouldnt stop staring at her. After about a minute, from what actually felt like forever the woman turned away from the bed and walked out of the room and back down the hall. At this point my mom realised that the woman she had thought was her grandmother couldn't possibley be her. As the woman had walked back down the hallway, long black hair had trailed behind her floating in the air behind her. My great grandmother didn't have long hair. In the morning my mom got up early and rain to the bathroom before everyone else was awake, hoping that she had just dreamed the whole thing, but she found the toilet the way she left it; as yet unflushed. Later she questioned her grandmother about being awake last night, apparently my great grandmother said she had slept soundly all night and hadn't awakened once.
- T. Potter <tessdurb@hotmail.com>



The Marriage of Sense and Soul

by Ken Wilbur (Broadway Books, New York, 1999)

This new book by consciousness researcher Ken Wilbur addresses one of the most critical problems in the modern world: the schism between science and religion. Science has given us profound methods for discovering objective truth, while religion remains the greatest force for generating meaning and value in lives. That the two disciplines are seen as mutually exclusive has wrenching consequences for humanity. We live in a world of two diametrically opposed cultures instead of a world with one true philosophy.
Wilbur proposes that the two sides can "begin to look more like fraternal twins than centuries-old enemies" by expanding their horizons and merging frontiers. He asks of science that it surrender its narrow materialistic empiricism for broader-based approach that recognizes the role of consciousness in reality. Of religion, he asks that it surrender its dogmatic pathways to truth in favor of individual spiritual experience. In this way, consciousness itself becomes the bridge that unites the objective spirit of science with the subjective soul of religion.  This alchemical marriage is the answer to many of our problems, not only in society but also within individuals. In fact, it seems as if this union of sense and soul is our only hope for integrity and the biggest intellectual challenge of the coming millennium.
"It is a strange and grotesque coexistence," notes Wilbur, "with value-free science and value-laden religion deeply distrustful of each other, aggressively attempting to colonize the same small planet. It is a clash of Titans, to be sure, yet neither seems strong enough to prevail decisively nor graceful enough to bow out altogether. The trial of Galileo is repeated countless time, moment to moment, around the world, and it is tearing humanity, more or less, in half."
Ken Wilbur's work will be familiar to most readers interested in spirituality and consciousness studies. He is the author of a dozen profound and often controversial books, including The Atman Project, The Spectrum of Consciousness, Up From Eden, Grace and Grit, A Brief History of Everything, The Eye of Spirit, and Sex, Ecology, and Spirit.



Dennis William Hauck will host a regular Internet chat room devoted to alchemy and the role of paranormal and mystical experiences in personal transformation. Share your questions and gain insight into alchemical methods to get control over your experiences. The two-hour discussion starts at 9:00 PM EST (8:00 CST/7:00 MST/ 6:00 PST) on alternate Saturdays and is hosted by the ADC Project
website, which is devoted to counseling people who have questions about mystical, paranormal, and transpersonal experiences. To join the discussion, go to ADC chat rooms section at http://www.after-death.com/chat/index.htm. Choose a nickname and select "Alchemy" from the pull-down list. Schedule for 1999: November 13, 27; December 11.

Stories and photos needed for new INTERNATIONAL DIRECTORY OF HAUNTED PLACES. Do you have any photos or stories of locations outside the United States that are allegedly haunted? Please share your material and receive a free copy of this massive new directory to be published by Penguin next year. Your name and organization will also be listed in the credits and acknowledgements. Contact DWHauck@poetic.com for more information.


NEW RENAISSANCE BOOKSTORE. Portland, Oregon. October 23, 1999.
Dennis William Hauck will hold an alchemy workshop from 6:30-9:00 PM on Saturday, October 23 at the New Renaissance Bookstore, 1338 NW 23rd Ave., Portland, OR 97210. The charge is $15. For more information, call (503) 291-8229. 

LEARNING EXCHANGE, Sacramento, California. October 28, 1999.
Dennis William Hauck will hold a three hour workshop from 6:30-9:30 PM on Thursday, October 28, at the Learning Exchange, 650 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95825. Topics covered will include the alchemy of paranormal experiences and local haunted locations in the Sacramento area. $32 Fee. Course #S788B. To register or for more information, call (916) 929-9200.

WALDENBOOKS. Sacramento, California. October 30, 1999.
Dennis William Hauck will sign copies of all his books from 12:00-4:00 PM at the Waldenbooks Authors Fair at Country Club Plaza, 2423 Butano Dr., Sacramento, CA 95825. For more information, call (916) 481-7753. 

D.W. Hauck will lecture and autograph copies of THE EMERALD TABLET on Saturday, November 13, from 2:00-3:00 PM at the Philosophical Research Society, 3910 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. For more information, call (800)548-4062 or (323) 663-2167. Email: info@prs.org. Website: http://www.prs.org.   

EAST-WEST BOOKSHOP. Sacramento, California. January 7, 2000.
Dennis William Hauck will hold a lecture and booksigning from 7:00-9:00 PM at the East-West Bookshop, 2216 Fair Oaks Blvd. in Sacramento. Fee is $8.00, $2.00 of which applied toward discounted purchase of book. For more information or to reserve a seat, call (916) 920-3837.

OMEGA INSTITUTE. Rhinebeck, New York. August 14-18, 2000.
A five-day Alchemy Workshop conducted by Dennis William Hauck will be held at the prestigious Omega Institute in New York. Located on an 80-acres campus along the Hudson River two hours north of New York, the center is the largest and oldest holistic studies center in the United States. This workshop will be an experiential retreat focusing on applying the Emerald Formula and working with alchemical transformation on the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. Chemical demonstrations will be part of the instruction and will be used just as the alchemists used them -- as metaphors of changes taking place in our own bodies, minds, and souls. For a catalog or to register, contact the Omega Institute, 260 Lake Drive, Rhinebeck, NY 12572-3212. Phone: 914-266-4444. Website: www.omega-inst.org.

More information is available at www.haunted-places.com and www.AlchemyLab.com. To unsubscribe to this newsletter, send email to HauckReport-unsubscribe@onelist.com. To subscribe, go to www.onelist.com/subscribe/HauckReport. Archives of this newsletter are available at  www.onelist.com/archives/HauckReport. Articles on related subjects, personal accounts, media information, and organizational activities are always welcome! Send to DWHauck@poetic.com.

Vol. 2 No. 10 October 1999     


- ALCHEMY OF CONSCIOUSNESS   (A dialogue on the nature of mystical and paranormal experiences)
- CURRENT PARANORMAL ACTIVITY  (Breaking cases and current investigations from throughout the world)
- TRUE LIFE ENCOUNTERS  (Accounts of true mystical and paranormal experiences in the person's own words)
- NEW RELEASES  (Reviews of new books and videos on mystical consciousness and paranormal events)
- ANNOUNCEMENTS  (News you can use: media events and organizational activities from around the world)
- LECTURES/APPEARANCES  (Upcoming public events and programs featuring Dennis William Hauck)



We used to live in a 100 year old house in England and strange things would happen. One day me and my friend James decided to go ghost hunting and we left a record player playing at the top of the stairs and everyone went downstairs. We came back later and played the tape and heard babies crying on it. The strangest thing was that there were no babies. We were all at least 4 years old. One night really late, my mom heard children playing on the stairs and my mom went to see what it was and everyone was asleep. Another time we were all downstairs and we heard furniture moving upstairs we went to look and nothing was moved. Another time my brother was out in the field near my house and saw an old women. She called his name walked behind a caravan and disappeared. There was this picture of a tiger my brother drew that hung in his room that used to move like something was blowing it, but there was no breeze. Another time after we moved to Canada my mom put her keys on the table and everyone was at school and my dad was at work. She came back to get the keys and found the front door key was bent at a ninety degree angle. She tried to bend it back but couldn't, so she left it on the table and came back a few minutes later. It was bent back but it still had the mark were it had been bent before! This all really changed me and I know this stuff is real now. - Gary Caley <caley@escape.ca.com>

(Please let me know if you have progressed through changes in personality or perspective due to an "interactive" paranormal or mystical encounter or if you have any general comments on this kind of transformation. Email: DWHauck@poetic.com.)


IDAHO - Twin Falls

To my father's dismay, ghosts appeared to him during his lifetime. First, our family lived in an 18 room house in Kansas that was once a funeral home. There was still a casket in the garage! My Dad saw a woman ghost in that house, but only once in 15 years. We kids heard noises and whispering for years. We never walked alone upstairs where our bedrooms were, we always ran, as if we were being chased! Then, we moved to Twin Falls, Idaho. We rented (luckily) a house that appeared haunted almost immediately. At night, music would play. Sounds like chains falling through walls would awaken us as night. Barnyard animal calls went on for hours. The sounds of doors slamming, where no door was. My Dad sat in the kitchen one night and watched a woman ghost dressed in a pioneer days outfit walk down the hallway. Sometime later, he got up and night and walked into the same hall and there she stood! He turned on the light, and she disappeared. Something threw a pillow at him one night, and the damper on the fireplace was frequently slamming shut to fill the house with smoke. Strange cats were hanging around the house all through the day, staring at us. One morning, my Mother asked me to go into the garage and look up at the crawl space. I did, and I was amazed to see a log from the fireplace straddled across the
opening! We moved out at the end of our lease, into another haunted house. In this one, my Dad felt as if he were being "watched" as he worked to restore the old house to its original splendor. One night, a cat ghost hovered in mid-air over him while he lay in his bed. When he told it to "Go away, you don't scare me", it opened its mouth and hissed and bared its claws, before it disappeared. My father was diagnosed with cancer a few years later, and he battled it for some time. The night before he was diagnosed as "Terminal", and two months before his death, he saw a "Grim Reaper" figure watching him from the kitchen. I finally accepted the fact that my dad's unique personality attracted these "ghosts" and his presence is still felt in the old house. -  Dragon <dragon@worldnet.att.net>

KANSAS - Shawnee Mission

My name is Cathy and I am 27 years old. I was about in 7th grade when it started. I live in a house in Shawnee Mission, Kansas. I would see things when I was laying in bed at night. I would see black shadows walk by, and I would see black "tails" go by my bed. My cat at the time would hiss at my room and never come in. Although when we first moved in, she did. One night when I was laying awake i kept hearing the candy dish in the living room open and close and it would sound like some one was clearing their throat every time after it closed. I know that sounds strange.then the front door would open and close. this repeated several times. until i heard the sound of the dishes rattling in the kitchen i decided to get up thinking it was my mother. when i got up and went into the kitchen none was there. i went back down the hall and that's when i heard the voice,and i will never forget it. It said "hi", in the strangest tone i have ever heard.I have no idea if it was a man or a woman.i ran to my moms room and she turned the lights on,because she could tell i was very upset.and ironically said you look like you've seen a ghost.more things happened after that.my family reported weird things happening. Like things missing the same things always usually the scissors.Or my mothers makeup.we would find them in the basement in the last room of the house.We still have no explanation for that.this is long please bear with me.Other things that would happen were scary to me even now.But when i would lie in bed (my bed used to be real close to the vent on the floor. I would hear a bunch of sounds,  scrambled words coming from down there over and over again. My room as over the room in the basement where we found the scissors. I would jump whenever anyone would enter the room.standing in the hall. A friend saw the black shadows too one night at the house. I am 27 now and I have three girls. But age has not changed my opinion on what I saw. Whatever was in that house was not nice. I don't know how I would know that but I just do. I felt scared and upset the whole time I lived there and it was a very upsetting time of my life.    - Cathy <mitcha@mwis.net>

TEXAS - San Angelo

I live in an apartment complex in San Angelo, Texas. My roommates and I moved in February. of 1999. About two months after we moved in, strange things started happening. We would hear TVs in our bedroom cut on and off with no one in the room. One day me and my roommate saw a man in our apartment standing in front of a window, when we investigated he was gone. Lights turn on and off by themselves. In the bathrooms noises of a little girl giggling and playing can be heard. She also leaves hand prints in the steam on the mirrors. On several occasions, disembodied footsteps, and white lights passing through rooms (walls) can be observed. However, the most frightening of these occurrences was when it told us to leave. I don't know the explanation of these happenings. The apartment
complex is not that old, and no one has died there. Yet, the spirits attack us, and scare the hell out of us. We believe there are five or six spirits around us. They watch us sleep, they know our names, and get a thrill out of our fear. We are to the point where we want to leave. One thing I can say is the spirits have let up on me because I confronted them, but my roommates are terrified to sleep in their rooms. - Casey <Casey@gte.net>



In 1971, my sister was in the late stages of her pregnancy. She and her husband, my brother-in-law, went to visit our grandfather. We are American Indian and at this time our grandfather and other family members had left our grandfather's home to attend an all night dance - except my sister and her husband. My sister was up and down all the time to go to the bathroom and that was the case on this night. They were sleeping on a rollaway bed in the living room and the house was pitch black. My sister awoke and asked her husband to go to the hallway, open the door and turn on a light so that she could see to go down the hallway to the bathroom. She also asked him what time was it and he looked at his watch that he was wearing and told her it was 3:00 a.m. When she came out of the bathroom, it was dark in the hallway and she called out to him to turn on the light, which he did. After she returned to bed, they both heard our grandfather's dresser drawers in his locked bedroom, banging open and shut very loudly and continuously! They thought that he had come home to get something. However, her husband checked outside the house and did not see any signs of burglary and he returned to bed. At this time, they both went back to sleep. About 7:00 a.m., our grandfather, our parents and other family members returned to grandpa's home and began cooking breakfast. At breakfast, my sister asked our grandpa about his coming home in the night and he said that he and the others were at the dance all night. However, he said that the drawer thing happens quite frequently and not to worry, nothing bad happens. At this time, my sister said that her husband turned pale and his mouth dropped open - he said that he did not know how he could read his watch since it did not have a luminous dial but that night his watch dial glowed very green and he could see the hands in his watch very plainly! That is just one of many occurrences that have happened over the years in our grandparent's home. He has since passed away but the activities continue. Mary Bierman <MARYBIERMANN@email.msn.com>



Follow Your True Colors

By Carolyn Kalil  (BookPartners Inc., Wilsonville, Oregon. 1999)

This unique book is an interactive guide that makes it fun and easy to find out who you really are and match your personality to your career. The author promises that if you follow the simple steps in her book, you will quickly learn how to reclaim your true self and find your path to success. To make her case, she provides numerous anecdotes and first-hand reports from people whom she has helped in their search for self-expression and fulfilling careers. The True Colors method starts with examining four color cards that are included with the book. Each card carries symbols and descriptions of the four basic personality types. Those four kinds of persons have been have been the basis of various psychological systems for many centuries. In the fifth century B.C., Hippocrates described four dispositions (phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric, and sanguine) and Eastern astrologers incorporated the four elements of creation (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) into the twelve individual signs of the Zodiac. Alchemists believed the four elements were responsible for a person's temperament, and the modern psychologist Carl Jung reinterpreted the ancient teachings in fixed patterns of behavior he called the four psychological types (Thinking, Feeling, Intuition, and Sensation). According to Jung, each of us is born with a basic personality that we must transform to incorporate our best possible self. Psychological therapist Dr. David Keirsey has relabeled the four types in terms of mythological archetypes (Apollonian, Dionysian, Promethean, and Epimethean). In this book, career counselor Carolyn Kalil uses the True Colors Personality System developed by consultant Don Lowry to simplify and enhance the basic idea of the four types. In their system, four colors (Gold, Blue, Green, and Orange) correspond to the deepest archetypes within each of us. When people need a detailed, organized person to get things done, do they always count on you? Do you show concern through the practical things you can do for people? Then you are the conventional Fire element of the sun's Gold color. On the other hand, are you a person who is driven by the constant challenge of new ideas? Do you like to do things that require vision, problem solving, ingenuity, design, and change? Then you are the conceptual, Air element, color Green. Do you have a natural ability to communicate with people on a deeply human level? Do you value integrity and unity in relationships? Are you sympathetic and express your feelings easily? Then you qualify as the compassionate, Water element, Blue color personality. On the other hand, are you a resourceful, action-oriented leader who dislikes details, routine and rules? Do you value resourcefulness and energy and show your affection through physical contact? Then you are the courageous, Earth element, Orange color person. By working with the True Color System and studying the cards, you will soon discover the color that best captures who you are. By identifying the color that is least like you and ranking the remaining two cards in between the extremes, it becomes easy to discover your true talents and maximize them. The next step is to determine your ideal career and put your soul into the work you do, thereby fulfilling and transforming your true nature.



Look for Dennis William Hauck on CBS THIS MORNING on Friday, October 29. He will be discussing New York ghosts and hauntings nationwide. He is also featured in the WALL STREET JOURNAL weekend edition that comes out that same day.

Help prove the existence of an afterlife! Select a secret phrase and enter it into the SUSY SMITH PROJECT website (www.afterlifecodes.com) database. Then, after you die (sorry!), try to communicate that to any living person, who can then go to the website to retrieve it, thus demonstrating that consciousness survives death.


NEW RENAISSANCE BOOKSTORE. Portland, Oregon. October 23, 1999.
Dennis William Hauck will hold an alchemy workshop from 6:30-9:00 PM on Saturday, October 23 at the New Renaissance Bookstore, 1338 NW 23rd Ave., Portland, OR 97210. The charge is $15. For more information, call (503) 291-8229. 

LEARNING EXCHANGE, Sacramento, California. October 28, 1999.
Dennis William Hauck will hold a three hour workshop from 6:30-9:30 PM on Thursday, October 28, at the Learning Exchange, 650 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95825. Topics covered will include the alchemy of paranormal experiences and local haunted locations in the Sacramento area. $32 Fee. Course #S788B. To register or for more information, call (916) 929-9200.

WALDENBOOKS. Sacramento, California. October 30, 1999.
Dennis William Hauck will sign copies of all his books from 12:00-4:00 PM at the Waldenbooks Authors Fair at Country Club Plaza, 2423 Butano Dr., Sacramento, CA 95825. For more information, call (916) 481-7753. 

SACRAMENTO THEATRE CO. Sacramento. October 31, 1999.
D.W. Hauck will host a Halloween Evening at this haunted theater in Sacramento. He will show slides and video of previous investigations and conduct further investigations with psychics Terri Brill and Chris Wolfe. Hosts from local television shows will judge a costume contest. Sacramento Theatre Co., 1419 H Street, Sacramento, 95814. Starts at 7:00 PM. $15.00. For reservations, call 916-443-6722.

D.W. Hauck will lecture and autograph copies of THE EMERALD TABLET on Saturday, November 13, from 2:00-3:00 PM at the Philosophical Research Society, 3910 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. For more information, call (800)548-4062 or (323) 663-2167. Email: info@prs.org. Website: http://www.prs.org.   

EAST-WEST BOOKSHOP. Sacramento, California. January 7, 2000.
Dennis William Hauck will hold a lecture and booksigning from 7:00-9:00 PM at the East-West Bookshop, 2216 Fair Oaks Blvd. in Sacramento. Fee is $8.00, $2.00 of which applied toward discounted purchase of book. For more information or to reserve a seat, call (916) 920-3837.

OMEGA INSTITUTE. Rhinebeck, New York. August 14-18, 2000.
A five-day intensive Alchemy Workshop conducted by Dennis William Hauck will be held at the prestigious Omega Institute in New York. Located on an 80-acres campus along the Hudson River two hours north of New York, the center is the largest and oldest holistic studies center in the United States. This workshop will be an experiential retreat focusing on applying the Emerald Formula and working with alchemical transformation on the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. Chemical demonstrations will be part of the instruction and will be used just as the alchemists used them -- as metaphors of changes taking place in our own bodies, minds, and souls. For a catalog or to register, contact the Omega Institute, 260 Lake Drive, Rhinebeck, NY 12572-3212. Phone: 914-266-4444. Website: www.omega-inst.org.

More information is available at www.haunted-places.com and www.AlchemyLab.com. To unsubscribe to this newsletter, send email to HauckReport-unsubscribe@onelist.com. To subscribe, go to www.onelist.com/subscribe/HauckReport. Archives of this newsletter are available at  www.onelist.com/archives/HauckReport. Articles on related subjects, personal accounts, media information, and organizational activities are always welcome! Send to DWHauck@poetic.com.

Vol. 2 No. 11   November 1999     


- ALCHEMY OF CONSCIOUSNESS   (A dialogue on the nature of mystical and paranormal experiences)
- CURRENT PARANORMAL ACTIVITY  (Breaking cases and current investigations from throughout the world)
- TRUE LIFE ENCOUNTERS  (Accounts of true mystical and paranormal experiences in the person's own words)
- NEW RELEASES  (Reviews of new books and videos on mystical consciousness and paranormal events)
- ANNOUNCEMENTS  (News you can use: media events and organizational activities from around the world)
- LECTURES/APPEARANCES  (Upcoming public events and programs featuring Dennis William Hauck)



(Please let me know if you have progressed through changes in personality or perspective due to an "interactive" paranormal or mystical encounter or if you have any general comments on this kind of transformation. Email: DWHauck@poetic.com.)






Follow Your True Colors to the Work You Love

By Carolyn Kalil

This unique book is an interactive guide that makes it fun and easy to find out who you really are and match your personality to your career. The author promises that if you follow the simple steps in her book, you will quickly learn how to reclaim your true self and find your path to success. To make her case, she provides numerous anecdotes and first-hand reports from people whom she has helped in their search for self-expression and fulfilling careers.
The True Colors method starts with examining four color cards that are included with the book. Each card carries symbols and descriptions of the four basic personality types. Those four kinds of persons have been have been the basis of various psychological systems for many centuries. In the fifth century B.C., Hippocrates described four dispositions (phlegmatic, melancholic, choleric, and sanguine) and Eastern astrologers incorporated the four elements of creation (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) into the twelve individual signs of the Zodiac. Alchemists believed the four elements were responsible for a person's temperament, and the modern psychologist Carl Jung reinterpreted the ancient teachings in fixed patterns of behavior he called the four psychological types (Thinking, Feeling, Intuition, and Sensation). According to Jung, each of us is born with a basic personality that we must transform to incorporate our best possible self. Psychological therapist Dr. David Keirsey has relabeled the four types in terms of mythological archetypes (Apollonian, Dionysian, Promethean, and Epimethean).
In this book, career counselor Carolyn Kalil uses the True Colors Personality System developed by consultant Don Lowry to simplify and enhance the basic idea of the four types. In their system, four colors (Gold, Blue, Green, and Orange) correspond to the deepest archetypes within each of us. When people need a detailed, organized person to get things done, do they always count on you? Do you show concern through the practical things you can do for people? Then you are the conventional Fire element of the sun's Gold color. On the other hand, are you a person who is driven by the constant challenge of new ideas? Do you like to do things that require vision, problem solving, ingenuity, design, and change? Then you are the conceptual, Air element, color Green.
Do you have a natural ability to communicate with people on a deeply human level? Do you value integrity and unity in relationships? Are you sympathetic and express your feelings easily? Then you qualify as the compassionate, Water element, Blue color personality. On the other hand, are you a resourceful, action-oriented leader who dislikes details, routine and rules? Do you value resourcefulness and energy and show your affection through physical contact? Then you are the courageous, Earth element, Orange color person.
By working with the True Color System and studying the cards, you will soon discover the color that best captures who you are. By identifying the color that is least like you and ranking the remaining two cards in between the extremes, it becomes easy to discover your true talents and maximize them. The next step is to determine your ideal career and put your soul into the work you do, thereby fulfilling and transforming your true nature.

- Dennis William Hauck

· BookPartners Inc., Wilsonville, Oregon



The Shifting Times is a "newsmagazine for opening minds." The Executive Editor is Jill Lawrence, host of "Jill & Friends" on the Wisdom Radio Network. Each issue has a theme, for instance the December 1999 issue features "The New Millennium." Subscriptions: $25.00 per year (12 issues).  The Shifting Times, 345 Ertle NE, Massillon, OH 44646. 



NEW RENAISSANCE BOOKSTORE. Portland, Oregon. October 23, 1999.
Dennis William Hauck will hold an alchemy workshop from 6:30-9:00 PM on Saturday, October 23 at the New Renaissance Bookstore, 1338 NW 23rd Ave., Portland, OR 97210. The charge is $15. For more information, call (503) 291-8229. 
LEARNING EXCHANGE, Sacramento, California. October 28, 1999.
Dennis William Hauck will hold a three hour workshop from 6:30-9:30 PM on Thursday, October 28, at the Learning Exchange, 650 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95825. Topics covered will include the alchemy of paranormal experiences and local haunted locations in the Sacramento area. $32 Fee. Course #S788B. To register or for more information, call (916) 929-9200.
WALDENBOOKS. Sacramento, California. October 30, 1999.
Dennis William Hauck will sign copies of all his books from 12:00-4:00 PM at the Waldenbooks Authors Fair at Country Club Plaza, 2423 Butano Dr., Sacramento, CA 95825. For more information, call (916) 481-7753. 
SACRAMENTO THEATRE CO. Sacramento. October 31, 1999.
D.W. Hauck will host a Halloween Evening at this haunted theater in Sacramento. He will show slides and video of previous investigations and conduct further investigations with psychics Terri Brill and Chris Wolfe. Hosts from local television shows will judge a costume contest. Sacramento Theatre Co., 1419 H Street, Sacramento, 95814. Starts at 7:00 PM. $15.00. For reservations, call 916-443-6722.
D.W. Hauck will lecture and autograph copies of THE EMERALD TABLET on Saturday, November 13, from 2:00-3:00 PM at the Philosophical Research Society, 3910 Los Feliz Blvd., Los Angeles, CA. For more information, call (800)548-4062 or (323) 663-2167. Email: info@prs.org. Website: http://www.prs.org.   
EAST-WEST BOOKSHOP. Sacramento, California. January 7, 2000.
Dennis William Hauck will hold a lecture and booksigning from 7:00-9:00 PM at the East-West Bookshop, 2216 Fair Oaks Blvd. in Sacramento. Fee is $8.00, $2.00 of which applied toward discounted purchase of book. For more information or to reserve a seat, call (916) 920-3837.
OMEGA INSTITUTE. Rhinebeck, New York. August 14-18, 2000.
A five-day Alchemy Workshop conducted by Dennis William Hauck will be held at the prestigious Omega Institute in New York. Located on an 80-acres campus along the Hudson River two hours north of New York, the center is the largest and oldest holistic studies center in the United States. This workshop will be an experiential retreat focusing on applying the Emerald Formula and working with alchemical transformation on the physical, psychological, and spiritual levels. Chemical demonstrations will be part of the instruction and will be used just as the alchemists used them -- as metaphors of changes taking place in our own bodies, minds, and souls. For a catalog or to register, contact the Omega Institute, 260 Lake Drive, Rhinebeck, NY 12572-3212. Phone: 914-266-4444. Website: www.omega-inst.org.

More information is available at www.haunted-places.com and www.AlchemyLab.com. To unsubscribe to this newsletter, send email to HauckReport-unsubscribe@onelist.com. To subscribe, go to www.onelist.com/subscribe/HauckReport. Archives of this newsletter are available at  www.onelist.com/archives/HauckReport. Articles on related subjects, personal accounts, media information, and organizational activities are always welcome! Send to DWHauck@poetic.com.