Bimonthly Newsletter Archives Vol. 1 (1998)

(Note: HAUNTED PLACES REPORT was originally the HAUCK REPORT.)



Vol.1 No.1 1998







- CURRENT PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (Breaking cases from throughout North America)

- TRUE LIFE ENCOUNTERS (Accounts of true experiences with the paranormal)

- NEW RELEASES (Review of new books and videos on the paranormal)

- ORGANIZATION SPOTLIGHT (A look at popular research organizations)

- LECTURES/MEDIA EVENTS (Upcoming public events and programs on the






COLORADO - DELTA (March 1998 UFO Sightings)

Seven enormous, octagon-shaped UFOs have been reported in the clear night skies above this rural community. The hovering, silent objects have multi-colored, non-blinking lights on them, though on one of the UFOs, the lights were all amber-colored. Their altitude has been estimated at 1,000 feet. So far the gigantic craft have been reported hovering over private farm acreage, the golf course, a school, a county road, and over the deserted hills of Cedar Ridge. There appears to be some government interest or involvement in the sightings, since four drab (olive-colored) helicopters have been seen flying over the town of Delta flying eastward toward the town of Crawford. Such aircraft are not normally seen in the area. The case is being investigated by Davina Ryszka ofSkywatch International, who has taken out an ad in the Delta County Chronicle asking for witnesses to come forward.



In my recent conversations with Steve Lee, owner of the log cabin referred to as the Black Forest Haunting on "Sightings" and numerous other television shows, it is obvious that the phenomena there continue unabated. Steve so far has invested over $70,000 in security equipment to try to capture the "presence" responsible for the flashes of light, moving shadows, foul odors, poltergeist activity, and loud noises that plague his family. Recently he installed ultrasonic camera triggering devices as well as digital cameras to document the activity. So far, there are over 3,000 photographs and 400 videotapes supporting the validity of this case. There are only two other locations (Arizona and England) where photographic phenomena similar to those from the Black Forest are currently being recorded. For those of you not familiar with this case, the following is a brief synopsis Within weeks of buying their new home in 1992, the gates of hell opened up on the Lees. "One day we came home," said Beth Lee, "and it was like the Fourth ofJuly in our living room and in our bedroom. We had all kinds of lights flashing through, and it sounded like people stomping across the roof. We would lay in bed at night and hear chains rattling. One night we woke up and heard orchestra music. Strange things started happening every day." The two boys complained of weird lights and shadows in their rooms, lights and appliances started going on and off by themselves, and untraceable chemical odors burned family members’ eyes and throats. Over the next four years, they would have sixty-two unexplainable "break-ins." The El Paso County Sheriff’s Department opened an investigation in April 1993 and conducted forty-five follow-ups but could Never find any evidence of a "crime." After the sheriff stopped responding, the Lees hired private investigators to try to figure out what was going on.  About that time, Steve noticed that photographs and videotape taken in certain locations on the property had strange light streaks running through them, and sometimes, translucent faces even appeared on the film. Determined to document the activity, Steve borrowed or purchased every type of camera he could think to see if the bizarre images appeared, but no matter what type of camera or film he used, he captured evidence of unexplainable light phenomena that included brilliant beams, floating balls of light, and glowing outlines of humans and animals. Sometimes the mysterious lights could be seen with the naked eye, though most often, they lasted just a split second and showed up only on film. Steve and Beth finally agreed that something paranormal might be going on in their home, and in early 1995, they sent some of the pictures and videotape to the "Sightings" television show. Hollywood special effects technician Edson Williams examined the Lee films and told the producers of the show that most of the light images would be extremely difficult to reproduce and some seemed to defy the laws of optics entirely. "Sightings" immediately dispatched a film crew to the Black Forest, and once on site, were able to document some of the weird phenomena the Lees had witnessed. In three visits to the property "Sightings" brought along Minneapolis ghostbuster Echo Bodine and Los Angeles psychic Peter James, who both identified powerful presences in the house. A Hopi shaman consulted on the Black Forest hauntings said that the area is a "Rainbow Vortex," one of only a few psychic energy spots on the planet that connect our world with the next. Red, yellow, and white lightforms are seen and recorded, as well as apparitions of an old lady, a little girl, a burly man dressed in 1800s clothing, and a "flying dog," not to mention the hundreds of forlorn faces seen floating in the Lee’s bedroom mirrors. (Infrared photos of these apparitions that I took on site during my own investigation are featured in an article I wrote about the case in the March 1998 issue of FATE magazine. Copies can be ordered by calling Llewellyn Publications at 800-THE-MOON.)


ARIZONA- PHOENIX (October 1997 - March 1998)

A bizarre UFO that seems to materialize out of hyperspace has been reported over the central Arizona skies since last October. Sightings have been averaging two per month. The brightly-lit object has been described as up to twenty times larger than the apparent size of a typical star. It streaks through a curved path in the sky equal to three times the diameter of a full moon. The object does not behave like a meteorite and seems to start and stop very abruptly. It appears from nowhere and maintains uniform brightness

with no trail. No photos have been taken since the object appears for only a few seconds then disappears only to reappear somewhere else. Most sightings have been between 1000 PM and 1200 PM PST. I am accumulating reports on this case now and will issue more details at my website. One of the first sightings (by a security guard) is documented at the National UFO Reporting Center website at http//www.nwlink.com/~ufocntr/DP971005.html .



The active ghost at the Normandy Inn in Bohemia has been identified as a spirit named Maria, who was strangled in an upstairs back bedroom when the place was a speakeasy. Numerous sightings continue to this day and include bare footprints in the carpeting (usually in the middle of winter), a shadowy figure moving around in the kitchen area, and strange animal (?) bones turning up in the basement. Several seances have been conducted over the last few years, and the case is currently being investigated by Candice Isralow of Mt. Sinai, New York. The Normandy Inn is located on Lakeland Avenue in Bohemia and the phone number is (516) 589-9898. The current owner (Rick) has lived there for over twenty years.





"My former wife and her former husband used to live in a hundred-plus year-old triple decker brownstone in South Boston. It was an old house that sat at the end of a dead-end street. Many mornings she would wake up to hear teacups and saucers clinking and barely audible conversations going on in the parlor. She describes the sounds like those you might hear when you are just starting to wake up and you can hear a conversation in the other room but can’t quite make out the works. She would often hear these morning ‘tea sessions’ in her house but avoided mentioning them to her husband, until one morning when they were both lying in bed and the ‘party’ started up. She warily asked him ‘Do you hear that?’ To which he answered ‘Yes, I hear that a lot but never wanted to mention it to you because I thought you’d think I was crazy.’ One night when her husband and her sister’s boyfriend had been out for the evening, she and her sister were lying in bed, almost asleep. They heard the front door bang open and footsteps coming up the stairs. They turned to each other and said, ‘Oh, sounds like the boys are home.’ But when they both went out in the hallway to welcome their men home, there was no one there!" - submitted by JSold@blackwellpub.com





WHITE CROW SOCIETY The White Crow Society provides investigation and support for people experiencing paranormal events through information packets and bibliographies, at-a-distance consultation with experienced members, and field investigation by trained researchers. They also publish a newsletter "As the Crow Flies" and maintains a Parapsychology Speakers Guide. Incidentally, the name for the group comes from a quote by psychologist William James "If you wish to upset the law that all crows are black, you mustn’t seek to show that no crows are; it is enough if you prove one single crow to be white." White Crow Society, 314 West 231st St., Suite 465, Riverdale, NY 10463. Phone/FAX

718-543-4183. Website and email http//www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Hangar/1533 and white_crow_soc@hotmail.com.




GEORGIA GHOSTS by Nancy Roberts (Blair Publishing, Winston-Salem, NC 1997)

Veteran folklorist and ghost researcher Nancy Roberts has made an important contribution to the documentation of true ghost encounters and a change in her previous anecdotal style of reportage ¾ in her latest book. The fifty-four cases presented in this book span the entire state of Georgia from the colonial coast and islands to the historic heartland and classic south all the way to the northern mountains. Each case is a real place with addresses and directions on how to find it, and reading this book is like having a personal tour guide to the Peachtree State’s most haunted places. The section on Savannah, one of America’s most haunted cities, contains such noted paranormal spots as the Pirate’s House, the 17Hundred90 Inn, the Hampton Lillibridge House, and Jim William’s House (from "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil"), as well as lesser known hauntings such as the Shrimp Factory restaurant and the Keyhoe House inn. In Atlanta, Roberts introduces us to the ghost of the Uncle Remus House, the cantankerous spirits at Dunwoody House, and the Pink Lady, an apparition encountered by the Roberts family when Nancy was a teenager growing up in the Little Five Points section of Atlanta. An interesting tale from Fayetteville recounts the fate Doc Holliday’s persistent ghost, who still waits outside the home of a lost love there. One recent case that Roberts reveals is taking place at the Big Canoe Resort near Jasper in the northwest mountains of Georgia. For the past few years, the tall ghost of an Indian has been appearing to employees at the Sconti Clubhouse. "He is most likely to appear when the place is quiet and nobody else is around," said witness Billy Howard. "On Wednesday mornings, when I go in to work about three or four o’clock in the morning, he is at the clubhouse. He’s always curious about what I’m doing and wants to watch everything." Recently, the ghost started making noises for the first time. While straightening up a banquet room, Billy heard a clicking sound and found the ghost sitting at a table knocking two sugar holders together. The apparition has also been seen by housekeeper Gail Jones, and ever since, she utters a courteous greeting whenever she enters the clubhouse to clean. So far the ghost has been spotted in the men’s locker room, the downstairs banquet room, the pro shop, the kitchen, and in the double doorway at the entrance to the clubhouse. It is thought that the spirit is of a Cherokee Indian, possibly buried under the clubhouse, who does not realize he is dead. When the apparition appeared in the outside doorway, he took off running when a golfcart drove towards him. It was a reaction one might expect from someone living, who had never seen a golfcart and was frightened by it. The Indian apparently thought he was about to be run over.





FATE MAGAZINE The March 1998 issue of FATE magazine offers two articles Written by me. The first, as mentioned above, deals with the Black Forest Haunting. The second is a review of the most important books in the field of Ghosts and Hauntings in the last fifty years.


CAPTIOL CITY GHOST RESEARCH SOCIETY of Austin, Texas. On Friday, April 24, at 700 PM, I will be holding a lecture and discussion for members and interested parties. For more information, contact Lisa Farwell (ghostly@texas.net).


ANCIENT MYSTERIES CONFERENCE On Saturday, April 25, at 200 PM, I will present a slide lecture on "The Emerald Tablet," an ancient and mysterious document which showed philosophers and alchemists how to access paranormal states of consciousness. There will be a Question and Answer period, as well as handouts documenting my research into this fascinating topic. The three-day conference will be held at Scottish Rite Temple in downtown Austin, Texas. For further information, contact Bill Reeves at wtr@io.com.


BOOK EXPO AMERICA at McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois. I will be attending this conference and will appear at local bookstores and media events from May 28 through June 2. Organizations or individuals may request lectures or meetings by contacting me at DWHauck@poetic.com .


HISTORY CHANNEL A&E’s History Channel begins an interesting new series called "Haunted History" in August 1998. The series views history from the perspective of ghostly events that have taken place in various cities across the United States. I am featured in the segment on San Francisco.


AMERICAN GHOST SOCIETY CONFERENCE in Decatur, Illinois, from August 7 to 9. I will be presenting two slide lectures ("America’s Most Haunted" and "Alchemy of the Paranormal"). Conference registration is $50 (before June 30) and includes all lectures, tours and investigations of local haunted sites, informal discussions, and a round-table reception. For more information, contact Troy Taylor at TTaylor@q-com.com or visit http//www.prairieghosts.com/confer98.html .


LEARNING EXCHANGE in Sacramento, California. I will be presenting 3-hour workshops about the reality of paranormal phenomena in August and October 1998. For more information, call 916-929-9200 or check their website for updates at http//www.learningexchange.com .


1998/1999 BOOK TOURS National tours to promote my latest book from Penguin, THE EMERALD TABLET, as well as the bestselling HAUNTED PLACES THE NATIONAL DIRECTORY, will take place in major cities across the United States. Please contact me at DWHauck@poetic.com to schedule lectures or booksignings in your area.



To unsubscribe from THE HAUCK REPORT, send email to DWHauck@poetic.com with


word "unsubscribe" in the subject line. New case leads, personal accounts, and

organizational information are always welcome! Write to Dennis William Hauck,

P.O. Box 22201, Sacramento, CA 95822-0201.





Vol. 1 No. 2 1998







- CURRENT PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (Breaking cases from throughout North America)

- TRUE LIFE ENCOUNTERS (Accounts of true experiences with the paranormal)

- NEW RELEASES (Review of new books and videos on the paranormal)

- ORGANIZATION SPOTLIGHT (A look at popular research organizations)

- LECTURES/MEDIA EVENTS (Upcoming public events and programs on the






A recent investigation of Pleasant Ridge Cemetery, also known as Thirteen

Stairs, has yielded intriguing evidence of a genuine haunting. Thirteen stairs

do indeed lead to the entrance to the graveyard, an 1800s cemetery in the

middle of the woods. Many of the graves belong to the Lewis and Blackburn

families, local farmers. In January and February, 1997, investigators reported

a "ghost dog" running by them and were also able to take a photo of a

disappearing house that is sometimes seen over a square patch of faded grass.

The photo shows a framework of lightlines outlining the house, and photos of

balls of light have also been taken over the Lewis Family gravestone. That

tombstone is even credited with healing a person's sprained ankle after he sat

on it for ten minutes. On March 5, 1998, four investigators recorded


voice phenomena of the ghostly voice of an old man wheezing and then laughing

maliciously. (The cemetery is located just outside Cedar Rapids about 1.5


from the town of Palo in Linn County. For more information visit

http//www.comic.net/users/strahd/index.html. A wave file of the recording on

March 5 is included on the multimedia version of THE HAUCK REPORT. See


info below.)


A large hovering UFO, octagonal in shape, was spotted hovering over


Supermarket and the Taco Bell in Rosamond, CA, between 915 and 1100 PM on


22, 1998. The object had yellow and orange lights around its outer edge, and

witnesses estimated its size to be up to 200 yards across. Many witnesses in

this 7,500-population called authorities and newspapers, and the object caused

traffic jams as motorists parked and rubber-necked at the sky show. Both Air

Force and police denied knowing of anything in the skies that night that could

have explained the sightings. Most of the reports were received by copy chief

Jane Treece of the Antelope Valley Press newspaper. The incident was reported

over the by Skywatch member Bill Hamilton.


Another odd-shaped UFO, this time triangular shaped, was also reported this

month between Meriden and Middletown, Connecticut. A 39-year-old man was

driving east on Route 147 at 9 PM when he spotted the unusual object hovering

over the Mount Higby Reservoir. The Mount Higby reservoir is approximately


miles west of Middletown, a small city about 17 miles (27 kilometers) south of

Hartford, the state capital. The witness saw the silent object hovering over

the water and observed its reflection in the water. There were three lights in

triangular formation, which were very bright. The witness said the lights on

the object were slightly bluish-white, closer to florescent light than


Similar shaped UFOs are currently being reported in Geogia, Florida, and North

Carolina. The dozens of North Carolina sightings are centered around Pilot

Mountain outside Winston-Salem. The North Carolina cases are being


by Barbara Thompson of MUFON. The Connecticut report was investigated by MUFON

members Mark Cashman and Bruce Tilden, who said the UFO "was about 50 feet

above the reservoir."According to their report, the object was

approximately 100

feet (30 meters) across; it was estimated that the pine trees around the

reservoir are between 30 and 40 feet high.




"I grew up in a small town directly across the Delaware River from Trenton,


I had a girlfriend who lived in a very old house, supposedly built by Robert

Morris during the Revolutionary Era. It is situated right across from the

Soldiers' Barracks in Trenton. Us kids would always joke about an underground

tunnel that ran from her house, under the river to the barracks where the

American soldiers were housed during the war. When I was in the fifth grade,

over 25 years ago, I spent the night at her house. She, her sisters, and I all

bunked in this huge room that served as both playroom and bedroom for the

girls. That night, for whatever reason, I could not fall asleep all night; and

the next morning I was very unsettled, glad to go home. It was not until I was

sixteen, that my mother told me what happened. My girlfriend's mother heard

noises in the middle of the night coming from the room directly above our

bedroom and went up there to check what was happening. She opened up the door,

and toys, games, -- you name it -- were all torn apart and still moving in

mid-air! She promptly locked the door and no one was allowed in there again.

She later called on our parish priest to come over and bless the house and end

the ghostly activity. I know my mother did not make up this story; she's not

the kind of person to do that. My girlfriend and her husband still live in


house to this day. They have remodeled, though I have not seen the house.

But I

still remember that strange room and mom's story and just wonder what really

happened that night." - Linda Birch <lbirch@alcnet.com>




CALL TO PURPOSE by Richard Solly (ISBN 1-56838-045-3, $11.95 QP, Hazelden


Are men more reluctant to talk about paranormal experiences than women? In

1987, Richard Solly became critically ill and had to undergo five major

surgeries within a few months. During his recovery, he developed an abdominal

infection which led to severe blood poisoning and two near-death experiences.

On both occasions, he saw his dead father and sister standing at the foot of

his bed assuring him everything would be all right. Solly’s spiritual


profoundly changed his outlook, and he began to seek out others who had had

similar experiences. Immediately, he discovered that while women were open and

willing to share their spiritual moments, men were reluctant to discuss them

for fear of being misunderstood, patronized, or labeled as crazy, weak, or

religious fanatics. This book eloquently demonstrates the profound effect that

acknowledging a sacred experience has had in the lives of eight very different

men. Solly details how the men determined the meaning of their experiences and

the impact on their lives, what choices they made in living out their

revitalized spirituality, and how they integrated their new belief systems


their daily habits and routines, as well as how their general outlook on life

changed. Above all, this book reminds us that vulnerability can be one of our

most important strengths. Contrary to popular belief, men are not less

sensitive than women when it comes to experiencing and interpreting their

feelings, especially those that surface from unusual encounters; they are just

less likely to discuss them.





Skywatch is a non-profit membership organization based on the Internet. It is

made up of an international group of paranormal investigators and case

compilers who primarily are interested in UFO phenomena. Administrative


P.O. Box 900393, Pasadena, CA 93590. Membership offices P.O. Box 801, Leander,

TX 78646. Visit their homepage at http//skywatch.itlnet.net.




BOOK EXPO AMERICA, McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois. D. W. Hauck will be

attending this conference and will appear at booksignings from May 28 through

May 31. For more information, visit http//bookexpo.reedexpo.com.

AMERICAN GHOST SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Decatur, Illinois, from August 7 to 9. D.W.

Hauck will be presenting two slide lectures ("America’s Most Haunted" and

"Alchemy of the Paranormal"). Conference registration is $50 (before June 30)

and includes all lectures, tours and investigations of local haunted sites,

informal discussions, and a round-table reception. For more information,

contact Troy Taylor <TTaylor@q-com.com> or visit

http//www.prairieghosts.com/confer98.html .Credit card holders may register by

calling 1-888-GHOSTLY.

LEARNING EXCHANGE, Sacramento, California. D.W. Hauck will be presenting


workshops about the reality of paranormal phenomena in August and October


For more information, call 916-929-9200 or check their website for updates at

http//www.learningexchange.com .

Cable channel American Movie Classics (AMC) is producing a paranormal special

entitled "Hollywood Ghost Stories." The 1-hour program will include interviews

with experts in the field and stories of Hollywood hauntings illustrated with

current video and scenes from old movies. If you can contribute, contact Hope

Kaplan <hopejay@earthlink.net>.

A&E’s History Channel begins an interesting new series called "Haunted


in August 1998. The series views history from the perspective of ghostly


that have taken place in various cities across the United States. D.W.

Hauck is

featured in the segment on San Francisco. For filming information, contact

producer Ronnie Grofdial at (818) 762-2900, ext. 260.

A News Conference covering the People's Rally at Area 51 will take place in

Rachel, NV, on June 6, 1998, at 1200 noon. Phone (702) 729-2515 for

information. The rally begins that morning at 600 AM and will take place at


at the restricted boundary line on Groom Lake Road in Lincoln County. From 400

to 800 people are expected to attend. There will be speakers, entertainment,

and a 3-hour hike to Tikaboo Mountain to observe the Groom Lake facility on

Sunday morning, June 7. For directions and rally information, check out








Message: 3

   Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 09:15:28 -0800

   From: Dennis William Hauck <alchemy8@xxxxxxx.xxxx

Subject: Hauck Report Vol.1 No.3


Vol. 1 No. 3 1998







- CURRENT PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (Breaking cases from throughout North America)

- TRUE LIFE ENCOUNTERS (Accounts of true experiences with the paranormal)

- NEW RELEASES (Review of new books and videos on the paranormal)

- ORGANIZATION SPOTLIGHT (A look at popular research organizations)

- LECTURES/MEDIA EVENTS (Upcoming public events and programs on the






(Investigative report submitted by Richard Senate <ghostlamp@msn.com>)

The massive pile of stone is now moss-covered giving it an ancient forlorn

feel. Tall trees almost hide the ruins of the huge and hollow structure.


come from all over the world to visit this place--the monument to one man's

broken dream. This was Wolf House, the builder the great American Writer Jack

London. My wife Debbie and I had driven to The Jack London State Historic Park

in Glen Ellen, California to view the ruined house to determine if the site


really haunted. For years I had read that visitors had seen the troubled ghost

of London wandering the remains of the house. One psychic researcher even

claimed that the ghosts of the characters created by Jack London haunted the

place. The drive though the wine country with its many picturesque wineries


stone villas made the trip almost a second honeymoon. But upon reaching our

destination we got down to work trying to discover if the ruins were

haunted or

if it was just so much hype. The place, along with several other buildings,

including Jack London's grave site, are part of a Historic Park dedicated to

the life of this California Author, the creator of such masterworks as "The

Call of the Wild" and "White Fang." It is the ruin that attracts so many

visitors each year. It was a house that cost over 80,000 dollars to build in a

time when such sums were astronomical. Sadly, no one ever lived at Wolf House.

It burned to the ground one hot august night in 1913 just before Jack London

and his wife were to move in. The loss of his dream house, so reported his

wife, seemed to have destroyed something in the man. In three years he was

dead, passing away at the age of forty. She was the first to start the stories

of a ghost at the place telling relatives that visitors heard the sounds of

boots on wooden stairways that had burned! When it burned the workmen can in

tears because they could do nothing to fight the flames--there was no water.

The house was a massive structure of stone and thick redwood with a Spanish

tile roof. It was thought that the building was fireproof. A stoic London

watched the mansion burn, leading his workers to keep the flames from


to the trees and causing a forest fire. He vowed to rebuild the place but he

never did. Debbie and I made our way to the site after a short visit to the

simple grave site of the man who moved millions with his stories. He

selected a

large stone from the house as his grave marker before he died giving some

speculation that he knew that he was soon to leave this world. Kidney failure

was blamed for his untimely death but some believe that he may have taken his

own life. At Wolf House we joined the other tourists as they walked around the

place taking pictures. The place is huge--a rustic palace. The center court


a reflecting pool like a Roman Villa. We walked to an overlook to better see

the ruins. Debbie was silent, reflective, trying to tune in on the site. I


better than to intrude on her at this time.

"I feel like we shouldn't be here," Debbie whispered at last, "There is

something here, something old and very sad." "Who?" I asked, "Is it Jack, Jack

London?" "I don't know," she replied closing her eyes. I gave her some time


walked around the building taking more pictures with a special camera. Perhaps

some ghostly image might come out in the pictures. When I got back Debbie was

gone! She had vanished! Worried, I began to search the site. In a trance or

meditative state she might do anything! I had seen her stumble into all sorts

of places in the past. She could be inside the ruins, in a place that may


dangerous! I cursed myself for leaving her. I half expected to discover her

walking along the high, crumbling walls following some psychic impression. I

found her sitting on a bench rocking back and forth, her eyes closed.

"There is

someone here," she said hearing my footsteps as I approached. "I felt him, for

just a moment, we communicated." "Is it Jack?" I asked using my tape recorder

to get her comments. "People see him and they think its Jack but it isn't,"


explained, " he knew Jack, he felt he had betrayed him, let him down. He is in

limbo now. I feel he was a Catholic, an Italian, an artist, a builder. He


this house, it was his dream too and he blames himself for its loss." "So it's

not Jack London?" I asked again for the tape. "No, It is a man who died years

after Jack but this is his place, Wolf House, and it was his greatest defeat."

"Why does he blame himself?" I asked, "Wasn't the fire an accident?" "No, it

need not have happened.He wasn't where he should have been that night. He

failed." "Did he set the fire?" "No, but he could have prevented it if he had

only tried," Debbie said, still with closed eyes, "he believed it wouldn't

burn, couldn't burn. It was like the TITANIC, everyone said it was unsinkable

until people got to thinking it couldn't possibly sink--but it did. The house

burned and burned completely. He let Jack down but jack never said a word."


historic record indicates that an Italian named Forni was the builder could he

be the ghost that walks Wolf House and not Jack London.It makes sense. London

never lived in the house, he never worked here. The Italian built it with his

own labors and infused it with his own dreams. The shade that wanders here is

suffering from a case of mistaken identity! If you ever travel to the wine

country, visit Glen Ellen and tour the ruins. I believe you too will come away

with the feeling that something sad walks those crumbling halls.


(Investigative report submitted by Lisa Farwell <ghostly@texas.net>)

The Capital City Ghost Research Society of Austin, Texas, is currently

investigating a flurry of paranormal activity at the Peyton Colony, a 350-acre

historic ranch outside Austin. The property was settled as a slave colony in

1864 and has been in the Coffee family since its creation. There are several

buildings on the site, including an old church and schoolhouse. Lawrence and

Ellen Coffee live in a house built about 50 years ago by Lawrence's aunt.

Four different apparitions have been seen by multiple witnesses and


phenomena are also taking place. The poltergeist effects include weird

electrical problems, faucets turning on and off by themselves, and objects

disappearing then turning up in unexpected locations. Unexplainable voices and

the sounds of drums beating have also been reported. In an effort to document

the activity, Ellen Coffee started taking photographs and recording the


noises and disembodied voices. The photographs show apparitions, balls of

light, and streaks of energy, and both men's, women's, and children's voices

have been recorded.

In June, a group of investigators took dozens of photographs and made

computerized recordings of anomalous sounds at the site. Investigators present

included Lisa Farwell, psychic Jill Pendleton, computer expert Todd Brower.

Ellen Coffee's computer was used to record the Electronic Voice Phenomena

(EVP). During one six-hour investigation on June 27, spectacular anomalies


captured with a digital camera, a Canon 35mm camera with 800 speed film, and a

point-and-shoot Olympus 35mm camera. Most of the photos capture light


(orbs, mists, and streaks) that take place too quick for the naked eye to see.

Currently, paranormal phenomena are occurring almost every night. Photographs

and sound files pertaining to this case will be posted next month at





A few years ago ( three to be exact) my grandfather died. We were very close

and it came as a surprise when he passed. Through the next few days

everyone in

the town was in morning, for he was a well known and a very well liked person.

One of the nights after his death, I had a dream, and I am wondering if you

could maybe help explain to me about them. The first one was; I had gotten up

in the morning to go to the bathroom, when I turned the corner to go into the

bathroom, my grandfather was standing there...... just standing there looking

at me when I stepped around the corner. He never said a word. I was scared

so I

opened my parents door which is very close by and told them that Papa was

there. They got up and went in. When we went in again he was fixing our pipes

which had been frozen. He was always a "handyman" and helped us quite a bit.

When he was finished he got up and started to leave, still not saying a word,

which would be odd for him. I followed him outside, and we were walking on a

rock pathway together. I held his had, because I missed him so much and did


want him to leave. I asked if I could come with him. He said " You can't come

with me there, only I can go there. You have to stay here ok" I felt depressed

but somehow understood. He walked off, along the rock path, and up a hill with

trees on both sides and a bright light shining from over the edge of the hill.

He walked off and that was the last dream I had of him. There is no rock path

at our house and no hill with trees either. I am 18 now, but three years later

I am still curious as to what it all was about, I remember it as though I had

it only last night. - Chelsite@aol.com




Cable channel American Movie Classics (AMC) is producing a paranormal special

entitled "Hollywood Ghost Stories." The 1-hour program will include interviews

with experts in the field and stories of Hollywood hauntings illustrated with

current video and scenes from old movies. If you can contribute, contact Hope

Kaplan <hopejay@earthlink.net>.

A&E’s History Channel begins an interesting new series called "Haunted


in August 1998. The series views history from the perspective of ghostly


that have taken place in various cities across the United States. D.W.

Hauck is

featured in the segment on San Francisco. For filming information, contact

producer Ronnie Grofdial at (818) 762-2900, ext. 260.




THE GHOST HUNTER'S HANDBOOK by Troy Taylor. ($7.95. Whitechapel, 1997.)

This is a how-to guide for conducting paranormal investigations by the

president of the American Ghost Society. The illustrated booklet contains

sections on where to find ghosts, the ghosthunter's tool kit, EMF detection

devices, electronic voice phenomena, photographing ghosts, infrared

photography, a step-by-step investigation guide, and suggested questions to


when interviewing witnesses. Whitechapel Productions, P.O. Box 11, Forsyth, IL

62535. Call 1-888-GHOSTLY or visit the AGS website at





The International Ghost Hunters Society (IGHS) is an international


of ghost researchers and investigators. The society has over 5,000 members in

76 countries. The IGHS specializes in ghost photography and has over 2,600

ghost photographs from around the world. The IGHS was the first ghost

organization to host National Ghost Conferences and hosts several Ghost

Conferences a year. The first ever Ghost Conference in Decatur, Illinois, in

1997 was held by the IGHS, and the IGHS held the first Gettysburg Ghost

Conference in Gettysburg, PA in March 1998. The second Gettysburg Ghost

Conference for March 27-28, 1999, and there will be an October 1998 Ghost

Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah. The IGHS publishes the "Vortex


a monthly newsletter dedicated to the news of the IGHS, insights and new

discoveries associated with ghost photography. The IGHS also publishes a free

on-line newsletter weekly for its members. The IGHS has help started over 70

ghost clubs throughout the United States and overseas. Their chapter club in

Australia is hosting Australia's first Ghost Conference this summer. For more

information, visit the IGHS website at http//www.ghostweb.com or email





AMERICAN GHOST SOCIETY CONFERENCE, Decatur, Illinois, from August 7 to 9. D.W.

Hauck will be presenting two slide lectures ("America’s Most Haunted" and

"Alchemy of the Paranormal"). Aside from many other lectures, there will be

tours and investigations of local haunted sites, informal discussions, and a

round-table reception. For more information, contact Troy Taylor at

<ttaylor@prairieghosts.com> or visit

<http//www.prairieghosts.com/confer98.html> . Credit card holders may register

by calling 1-888-GHOSTLY.

LEARNING EXCHANGE, Sacramento, California. D.W. Hauck will be presenting


workshops about the reality of paranormal phenomena in October 1998. For more

information, call 916-929-9200 or check their website for updates at

<http//www.learningexchange.com> .


This free electronic newsletter is dedicated to disseminating information on

breaking paranormal activity in North America. New case leads, personal

accounts, media information, and organizational activities are always welcome!

If you would like to become a Paranormal Correspondent and write your own

by-lined column for this newsletter, email <HauckReport@theglobe.com>. To

unsubscribe, send email with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.







Message: 4

   Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 10:01:18 -0800

   From: Dennis William Hauck <alchemy8@xxxxxxx.xxxx

Subject: Hauck Report Vol.1 No.4


Vol. 1 No. 4 1998







- CURRENT PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (Breaking cases from throughout North America)

- TRUE LIFE ENCOUNTERS (Accounts of true experiences with the paranormal)

- NEW RELEASES (Review of new books and videos on the paranormal)

- ORGANIZATION SPOTLIGHT (A look at popular research organizations)

- LECTURES/MEDIA EVENTS (Upcoming public events and programs on the






(Investigation Report submitted by the BAMF Expedition Team, Team 6 leader C.

Knight <cknight@emrtc.nmt.edu>)

Lake Fort Phantom Hill is 10 miles north of Abilene Texas off Farm road 600.

The lake has a surface area of 4,246 acres and is located by a historical


Fort Phantom Hill. Two legends accompany the ghost of this region.

According to

local legend,Commanche warriors once encountered a platoon of calvary near the

lake. The Commanche fought them and won. But as the victors were returning


to their camp, a furious storm broke. As the tribe's women,children and old


watched,a flash flood consumed them, sending the warriors to their deaths in

the lake. "The lake, angered by the blood which had been taken, avenged

itself," according to the legend. An indian maiden named Nadassa was one of

those who watched the young men die. Grief stricken,she threw herself into the

water to rest beside her lover. The second involves a wife of a officer who


stationed at the fort. After a attack from the commanches, she could not


her husband, and set out to search for him. Her search continued on the lake

where she was caught up in a sudden storm which capsized her boat.She drowned

and still searches for her lover to this day. On May 13, I arrived at the lake

as team leader, accompanied by parapsychogist Joeseph Cross;ley line and earth

energies expert Donald Conway, and three other members of Team 6. We did an

initial survey of the lake and located a few good observation points on the

northeast side. On May 25, I interviewed witnesses, town historians,residents

and staff to get a handle on what types of phenomena we might encounter. Some

of the documented auditory phenomena included screams, gunshots,

rappings(mostly on vehicle windows) and high pitched buzzing sounds. Among the

olfactory phenomena were unattributable odors of decaying flesh, perfume(?)


roses.Visual phenomena included animated grey and black mists, light orbs, and

a female apparition. Some witnesses have reported dizziness, nausea,

palpitations, encounters with psychic cold spots, and an almost overwhelming

sense of presence. It isn't just people who have noticed something unusual.

Dogs at the lake have been noticed to go into unprovoked fits, foaming at the

mouth and snapping at invisible intruders. I put an ad in the Abilene paper in

order to interview more people who had first hand experiences. On May 26, the

team began the surveillance of the lake. We subjected certain sites to a

barrage of high-tech detection and surveillance activity. The equipment we


included night-vision cameras, magnetic and electrostatic monitors, event

detectors, radiation counters, electromagnetic detectors, temperature sensors

set in a series circuit with a monitoring span of 50 ft., sophisticated video

and audio surveillance sets,infrared intrusion detectors, and a thermal


camera. By June 10, we had detected not activity. We were about to pack up and

leave when a strange event occurred. Several of the team were up on the low

hills on the north side of the lake when we noticed a girl walking along the


I sent Ash down with a radio to see if she needed any help, thinking that her

car might have broken down or maybe she had gotten lost.The hills were

surrounded by dense vegetation and trees so when Ash went down, he lost sight

of her. He called back, informing us that he could not see anyone in the area.

From our vantage point however, he was only about 15 feet away from her. As we

tried to direct him toward her, the temperature sensors that we had set up

ringed off. The girl was crossing the area where we had set up the detection

line. The indicators detected a temperature drop from 70 degrees to -32


F for 1.87 seconds.The electrostatic monitors also pegged the scale for a few

seconds. Meanwhile, Ash informed us that he still had no visual sighting of

anyone. We brought the cameras up but the Sony Betacam batteries, which were

fully charged, lasted only four to six minutes before the low power alarm went

off. The cameras all fired but turned up negative results. We thought


was wrong with the batteries, but when we took the camera back to the van to

get the back-up set, the indicator showed that they were fully charged and

worked fine. We rushed back to the viewing site and the power indicator beeped

again and the camera stopped. In addition, while we thought we had videotaped

the girl, we discovered that the recorder was consistently stopping on its


even though it worked fine for segments shot before and after the phenomenon

showed up on the temperature detectors. Shortly afterward, the "girl"

disappeared from from our view when she entered a heavy area of tree

growth. On

June 12, the time expired for this trip. Members headed back and I made plans

on when to return. On June 21, Ash and I returned to Abilene to interview the

witnesses that responded to our ad. Ten people were interviewed. Initial

theories Donald Conway's detailed research and field work indicate that the

lake rests at the intersection of four different ley lines. Ley lines are

invisible alignments said to have complex powers and seemingly to provide


between sacred places and natural magical sites. Their convergence at Lake


Phantom Hill may have altered the area's energy fields, thereby causing or

contributing to the supernatural events in the area.The power plant on the

south side may also be amplifying this effect. There is definitely an anomaly

here which needs further research. The apparition does not fit with Crowe's

theory, as it constantly seems to change its activity and location. However,

the activity seems to center around a remote series of dirt roads which form a

"lover's lane" on the north side.




In 1989 my best friend moved to a house in Milton, Wisconsin (Circa 1920's).

Almost immediately she complained of hearing footsteps up and down the stairs

that led to the bedrooms, and running across the lower part of the house. She

thought her house was being broken into, but no one was there when she

investigated. One one occasion I stopped by to see if she was home and left a

few seconds later...my car lights were on (it was broad daylight) I had

mentioned this to her and she said that has happened to her mother in law on a

few occasions. Another time when I was visiting, we were sitting around her

livingroom with the shades drawn and I noticed a twinkling light on her

ceiling. I thought it was from a mirror or a reflection of some kind, we sat

there and watched it for a few minutes, it danced around and vibrated until it

finally slipped through the wood molding next to the ceiling. I also want to

mention that things would mysteriously disappear around the house and most

times would reappear in odd places. She wore this old terry cloth romper in


summer when she was cleaning the house (it was not flattering!!) One day it

disappeared and she couldn't find it anywhere. In the fall when she was

unpacking the Halloween box in a spare room in the back of a closet, she found

her romper packed in the bottom of the box under her children's Halloween

costumes. (I said "What does that tell you?") Also, when she was doing laundry

in her basement, she would put a load of laundry in the dryer, go back down to

fold the clothes and find strange clothes in her dryer. She later found out

that some of them were her neighbors that were on their clothes line earlier!

The most memorable account happened on my birthday in 1991. She was giving

me a

permanent at her dining room table (which faced and was next to her stairway),

we were talking and all of a sudden a small blonde haired girl ran past me and

up the stairs (she was approximately 9 years old, and she was wearing shorts

and a t-shirt). It was common children clothing so I couldn't date it to a

particular time. I was stunned, but we knew no one would be up in the bedrooms

when we went to check. My friend moved in 1992 in the spring and stayed with

some family til the fall when she found another house to rent. She shortly

realized that the young girl had followed her. She just recently moved to

California and hasn't had any occurences. Maybe the little girl found peace in

Wisconsin?! - Susan Greeney <SGREENEY@gmgw.com>




The Conscious Universe The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena by Dean


Ph.D. (HarperCollins 1998)

The premise of this book is that psychic phenomena are real. For many of us


have experienced ESP directly or have seen it at work in others, that is not

such an earth-shattering announcement. However, the author is not asking us to

accept the reality of psi based on our intuitive feelings or anecdotal

evidence. Instead, Dr. Dean Radin offers proof that psychic phenomena are

demonstrably, scientifically, and physically real. Given the skeptical


most scientists have about psychic powers, that makes this book highly

controversial and turns its author into a modern Copernicus, subject to the

derision and indignation of many of his colleagues. In seeking to prove the

existence of psi, Dr. Radin draws from his years of parapsychological research

at the University of Edinburgh, Princeton University, Stanford Research

Institute, and the Consciousness Research Laboratory at the University of

Nevada. His pioneering research has shown that the human mind can influence


operation of computer software and even cause equipment malfunctioning. In

fact, there seems to be a connection between human depression and computers

crashing so keep happy at the keyboard if you know what’s good for you!

Moreover, it follows that if individual thoughts can influence machines, then

whole groups of people, focused on the same thing, can make even more profound

changes in the material world. In several experiments conducted over the last

two years, Radin has proven that movements of mass mind are tied to movements

of "order" in physical systems. In other words, mass thoughts somehow organize

the chaos around us. For instance, on October 3, 1995, during the reading of

the O.J. Simpson verdict, with over a half-billion people focusing their

attention on television sets worldwide, there was a simultaneous and


ordering of results from sophisticated random-number generators located

everywhere on the planet. These amazing results have been confirmed with other

mass media events such as the Academy Awards, the Superbowl, and the Olympics.

Dr. Radin has received grants to study psychic ability from the U.S.

government, as well as corporate giants like AT&T and Sony, and is in an

excellent position to demonstrate the surprising extent to which the truth of

psi has already been tacitly acknowledged and exploited in our society. He is

convinced that future technology will boast psychically activated switches and

mind-controlled guidance systems. He explains the lack of support from the

scientific establishment for his ideas by deftly exposing the


prejudices of the scientists themselves. But even more disturbing than the

inflexible attitudes of a handful of scientists are the inevitable social,

economic, and spiritual consequences of the mass realization that mind and

matter can influence each other without physical contact. How such knowledge

would be used by the human species makes the discovery of atomic energy seem

like child’s play.




AMERICAN GHOST SOCIETY This paranormal research network is based in Illinois

but has members and Area Representatives across the country. The AGS checks

into ghost sightings, haunted history and paranormal evidence in a

non-metaphysical manner, preferring scientific evidence over psychic

impressions. The group is also careful about presentation of evidence, making

sure that all findings are thoroughly researched and analyzed before being

presented to the public. The AGS also maintains that there are no "experts" in

the field of paranormal phenomena, no matter what anyone says or who claims to

be one. The society is always open to an exchange of ideas and thoughts and

welcomes inquiries and contact from ghost hunting groups and individuals


Membership in 1998 425 members. Meetings Local chapters meet every other


Investigations conducted when possible (1-2 per month or more in some areas).

Publications: GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE (Quarterly magazine); GHOST HUNTER'S

HANDBOOK. Contacts: web page GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE http//www.prairieghosts.com

and E-mail ttaylor@prairieghosts.com. Publisher of GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE

Magazine and the HAUNTED AMERICA GHOST BOOK CATALOG. AGS, 515 East Third

Street, Alton, IL 62002 Phone (618) 465-1086. To order books, call toll-free






Auerbach will give a lecture on ghosts on Tuesday, September 15th at 730 until

930 PM in the Fireplace Room at St. John's Prebyterian Center, 2727 College

Avenue, Berkeley, CA (corner of College and Garber, 3 blocks north of Ashby.

Parking available under the building and on the street). $5 regular admission;

$2 for students and senior citizens; free for CSPS members.

EAST-WEST BOOKS at 2216 Fair Oaks Blvd., corner of Fair Oaks & Howe,

Sacramento, California, will hold a booksigning with D.W. Hauck on Friday,

September 25, from 700 - 830 PM. Call 916-920-3837 for more information.

VINEYARD HOUSE INVESTIGATION AND TOUR will be led by parapsychologist Robyn

Street from 400 - 800 PM on Saturday October 24, 1998. The haunted location is

in Coloma, California, in the Sierra foothills and includes a vineyard,

basement jail cells, winery ruins, and cemetery. $65 admission. Call

916-978-0100 for more information.

THE HISTORY CHANNEL begins an interesting new four-part series called "Haunted

History" on Monday October 26. The series views history from the

perspective of

ghostly events that have taken place in various cities across the United

States. D.W. Hauck is featured in the segment on San Francisco on October 29.

LEARNING EXCHANGE, 650 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, California. D.W. Hauck will be

presenting 3-hour workshops about current investigations in Northern

California. Slide and video presentation with demonstrations of electronic

ghostbusting equipment. October 27 (Tuesday), course #S788A $29.00. Course fee

includes guidebook and map to Sacramento's most haunted locations. To


call 916-929-9200. Visit their website at

<<http//www.learningexchange.com/>http//www.learningexchange.com> .

AMERICAN MOVIE CLASSICS (AMC) cable channel is producing a paranormal special

entitled "Hollywood Ghost Stories." The 1-hour program will include interviews

with experts in the field and stories of Hollywood hauntings illustrated with

current video and scenes from old movies. If you can contribute, contact Hope

Kaplan <hopejay@earthlink.net>.


This free electronic newsletter is dedicated to disseminating information on

breaking paranormal activity in North America. New case leads, personal

accounts, media information, and organizational activities are always welcome!

If you would like to become a Paranormal Correspondent and write your own

by-lined column for this newsletter, email <HauckReport@theglobe.com>. To

unsubscribe, send email with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.







Message: 5

   Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 10:02:52 -0800

   From: Dennis William Hauck <alchemy8@xxxxxxx.xxxx

Subject: Hauck Report Vol.1 No.5


Vol 1, No. 5






This is a special issue of THE HAUCK REPORT to make everyone aware of all the

paranormal tours, lectures, and media programs that are scheduled during the

month of October 1998. If you know of any that are not listed, please let me

know and I will post it in the next issue.


Sacramento, California

LEARNING EXCHANGE at 650 Howe Avenue. D.W. Hauck will be presenting a 3-hour

seminar about local haunted places and investigations with slides and video

footage. The date is Tuesday, October 27 at 630 PM. $29.00 fee includes

guidebook and map to Sacramento's most haunted places. For more information or

to register, call 916-929-9200 or check their website for updates at

<http//www.learningexchange.com> .

Oakland, California

VISION QUEST EXPO at the Henry Kaiser Convention Center. D.W. Hauck will be

presenting a slide lecture on the Emerald Tablet and the alchemy of the

paranormal at 100 PM on Sunday, October 25, in Room One. There will be a

booksigning immediately after the lecture at the convention's East-West

Bookshop. General admission $10.00. For more information, call 800-996-9644 or

visit the website at http//www.avisionquest.com.

Rainbow, Texas

BEYOND BOUNDARIES, a UFO-ET-paranormal-spiritual research organization, will

hold a meeting from October 1-4 on the Brazos River near Rainbow, Texas. Meals

are available with a big barbecue on Saturday night. Activities include

workshops, lectures, videos, slides, and open discussions. For more

information, visit their website at http//www.beyondboundaries.org or email

Joyce Murphy at jmurphy@beyondboundaries.org.

Various Locations

Paranormal researcher Loyd Auerbach will be on a national lecture tour in


Carolina, North Dakota, Idaho, and New York during October. For information on

his schedule, call 415-553-2588 or email him at esper@california.com.


Alton, Illinois

ANTOINETTE'S HAUNTED HISTORY TOURS depart from the First Unitarian Church, 110

East Third Street. Weekend tours include dinner October

2,3,4,9,10,11,16,17,18,23,24,25,30 and November 1. $42.00. Tours without


October 6,7,13,14,20,21,27,28. $30.00. Call 618-462-4009 for reservations.

Chicago, Illinois

EXCURSIONS INTO THE UNKNOWN tours hosted by the Ghost Research Society's Dale

Kaczmarek will be giving special Halloween tours on October 23, 24, 30, 31 and

November 6,7,13,14. Cost $30.00. These entertaining tours last from 700 PM to

midnight and depart from Chicago Ridge Mall, 95th & Ridgeland Ave in Chicago

Ridge, from the Sears Parking Lot. For more information, call 708-425-5163 or

visit http//www.ghostresearch.org.

Coloma, California

VINEYARD HOUSE investigation and tour will take place on October 24. Led by

parapsychologist Robyn Street, the program includes dinner, investigation, and

tour of one of the most active haunted locations in the California Sierra.


$65.00 by Oct1/ $75.00 after. Tickets and information 916-978-0100.

Seattle, Washington

GHOST TOURS in Seattles's Historic Pike Place Market. The Pike Place Market

Ghost tours, now in their 6th year, lead by Mikael Yaeger, Honorary Mayor of

the Market and Sheila Lyon, SeattleUs foremost fortune teller and Magic Lady.

Discover the history of the Market with stories of Princes Angeline, Chief

SeattleUs Daughter, The Fat Women, The Swingshift Ghost, the story of


first mortuary and many more. Dates October-November 1998 and January -May

l999. Times Daytime Costs $10.00. Get a group together of 6 or more and call

206-713-8506 or 206-624-9102. Email Sheila@speakeasy.org or

http//www.speakeasy.org/mayor .The Ghost tours benefits Pike Place Market

Foundation, which supports the Market Medical Clinic, Child Care Center and


London, England

THE LONDON GHOSTWALK departs from Exit One of the Blackfriars Underground

Station on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. For more

information, visit the webpage at http//www.Scoot.Co.uk/ghostwalk.

New Jersey

MARTY'S RELIABLE CYCLE'S HAUNTED BIKE TOUR on October 10. Call (973) 984-9353.

Morris County is filled with spooky ghost stories and haunted sites. During

this tour, riders will ride by some of the most notorious ghostly places in


state. Weird NJ Magazine will co-host this ghostly ride. $35 adults/ $20 kids.

Please call for information and time.

WEIRD NEW JERSEY BUS TOUR on October 17. Sponsored by Peak Adventures (201)

216-9998. We’re gonna take you to the places you only read about! A full size

bus with bathroom and five video monitors. A five hour tour departing at 10am

at The Old Canal Inn, 2 East Passaic Ave., Nutley and finishing at 3pm back at

the Old Canal where WNJ merchandise will be avaialble for purchase. Seating

very limited and available on a first come, first served basis. $59 per person

(includes breakfast and lunch along the way). Please call Peak Adventures.

Visa/AMEX/MC accepted.

RUTHERFORD FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY on October 21 at 730 PM. Some new slides and

adventures from the Weird New Jersey guys Mark and Mark. (201)939-8600 Ex.3.


The Old Canal Inn, 2 East Passaic Ave., Nutley. $150 for best costume. Live

entertainment, free food, free admission, cash bar. GRAND PRIZE RAFFLE of


Weird NJ issue (that’s right!) t-shirts, promos, CD and everything

connected to

Weird NJ! (raffle tickets $1) Space is limited. 21 & over please.

MONTCLAIR ADULT SCHOOL on November 12th, 930 am Lecture Local Legends & Best

Kept Secrets. Monclair Adult School, 40 South Fullerton Ave., Montclair. Fee.

The Art Of Living And Learning Series Please call (973)746-6636 for info.

Seating reserved.


ART BELL SHOW. Dennis William Hauck will be the guest on Art Bell's


show on Sunday, October 25. The three hour interview and call-in will be

simulcast on http//www.broadcast.com.

THE HISTORY CHANNEL. The "Haunted History" series premieres on Monday October

26 with "Haunted New England." "Haunted New Orleans" airs on October 27.

"Haunted Charleston" runs on October 28. Dennis William Hauck is featured in

the segment on "Haunted San Francisco" that airs on October 29. This is a

first-rate series with a lot of recent updates on some important cases. Check

your cable guide for airtimes.


Televison Show on Cablevision’s Local Live Channel 6 in Bergen/Passaic County.

Give us a call and tell us what’s weird around your neighborhood! If you can't

get the show on your local cable network call anyway between 7-8pm. Hotline #


SACRAMENTO COMCAST will present a documentary about Dennis William Hauck's

investigation of the Woodland Opera House during the third week in October.


segment features a tour, infrared film evidence and electronic survey


evidence of the ghost of W.W. Brown, a firefighter who lost his life trying to

save the old opera house in 1892. The one-hour program will be broadcase on

October 30 at 1200 midnight; October 31 at 500 AM and 400 PM; and on

November 1

at 800 AM.

SENIOR FOCUS syndicated radio show will feature a live call-in interview with

Dennis William Hauck from 1120 AM to noon (EST) on October 30. The show is

carried in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota,

Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and South Dakota. Check local listings for

time and station.







Message: 6

   Date: Fri, 04 Dec 1998 10:03:56 -0800

   From: Dennis William Hauck <alchemy8@xxxxxxx.xxxx

Subject: Hauck Report Vol.1 No.6


Vol. 1 No. 6 1998







- CURRENT PARANORMAL ACTIVITY (Breaking cases from throughout North America)

- TRUE LIFE ENCOUNTERS (Accounts of true experiences with the paranormal)

- LECTURES/MEDIA EVENTS (Upcoming public events and programs on the






Investigation update on the Black Forest Haunting from James Luehrs


We left from St.Louis, at 600 a.m., and arrived in Colorado Springs at 630

p.m.. We were in our room for about a half an hour, I thought I would call

Steve Lee (owner of the house) to let him know that we arrived. Steve

wanted to

come to our room to meet us. About 20 minutes later he arrived. We talked for

close to two hours. He seems to be a nice guy, but he can be very

paranoid.Steve talked of being followed al the time. I walked down to the

parking lot with him. We were on the lot for about 15 minutes, and I have to

say, it did appear that someone was following him. There was this one car that

just kept going by, and left out after Steve pulled off from the parking lot.

Monday we met with his family at a nearby restaurant for dinner, then

afterwards were invited to their home. We arrived at their house just before

dark, and it was raining.I was expecting a lot, and a little excited to be

there.The house wasn't as active as to what I had expected it be.

Minutes after being in the house, I saw a small black figure, about 4"


come down the last couple of steps towards me, the turning into the

hallway.Later in the kitchen talking to Beth, I saw a yellow streak of light

shoot up the wall.Several times I felt that I sensing something at the top of

the stairs on the landing, and in the bedroom near the closet.at The only

photos that turned up anything were from their bedroom mirror, the rectangular

one near the open closet. The best picture of this mirror was taken with a

Polaroid. Steve took it, and there is what I count to be six, maybe seven


to the right side of the mirror.One of these faces is very definate.It appears

as a young woman,a graduation photo, as a high school year book would

look.Other faces appear to look as if stacked atop each other. Another image

resembles a young boy, with right arm waving. We ran this picture on his

scanner, this image of this boy looks like he is wearing suspenders ? The


faces seem pretty distorted, but do look like face images. Same photo, but on

the left side of the mirror, is an image. On the scanner it comes out better.

It does appear as a dog, looking to be of a German Shepard. One ear was bent

over. Beth told me that their dog was a German Shepard, and that its ear was

always bent over. They said that the dog shows up in the mirrors from time to

time. I have a couple of other photos with images in them, but this one

Polaroid is the best one. I don't remember you saying anything about this at

the conference, but Beth had my wife and I to lay on their bed, and to stare

into the oval mirror at the foot of the bed. I've never seen anything like it

before. As I looked into the mirror, the image rippled! As if looking into a

pool of still water, then a droplet rippled the surface.I turned to Beth, she

was looking at me ,and smiling. She said to me,"you seen it didn't you". I

explained to her what I had just witnessed. She said that it happens all the

time. I again relaxed, and stared into the mirror. Now while fixed onto the

mirror, I could make out a black figure, standing to my left. It would have

been in the area in front of the closet, and the other dresser and mirror.This

figure was in my left periferal view. I tried not to break my focus on the

mirror, knowing that if I did that the black figure would be gone. The mirror

again rippled its image, and again broke my focus on it, and also lost the

image of the black figure.

We made it back to the house on Thursday night, again arriving about dark.We

sat around for some time talking. Steve's friend Dr.Michael Coots came by

for a

while. Psychic Peter James also called. Steve said that Peter James had a new

show comming up, and he wanted to do something with Steve in about two weeks.

Wish I could have stayed! I walked around outside in the dark for awhile by

myself. A couple of cameras, e.m.f.. Did not get any e.m.f. readings anywhere,

and nothing came out on any of the pictures that I took outside.Steve and I

spent the rest of the evening taking pictures with his digital camera, and

running those pictures on his scanner. Steve got a picture of the rectangular

mirror, my wife is in the right edge of it, a white cord like image going

around her head, and down her side. In the same photo, the reflection in the

mirror shows a blurred unknown person sitting on the bed, the image of this

person is extra blurry, and the eyes are large and very dark. None of us were

near the bed. It sold me. I bought a Sony Mavica-FD71 when we got back to

St.Louis. Now I need to get a scanner. One of my first pictures with this new

digital, I got two pictures from one of our mirrors here. In these pictures, I

have images of one of our dogs that died here two winters ago. I thing they


very good,and strong images of thge dog.She is standing, head turned looking

into the camera.I think it has some good detail to it. Anyway, Steve and Beth

are both really nice, we hope to get back there some day. Thank you, Mr.


for getting me in touch with them to set up our visit.




"My friend and I were sitting around the house one night with his brother and

his mom. Then all of a sudden we heard a ringing noise like bells. But the

thing is my friend and I were the only ones to hear it. It kinda freaked us


but we let it pass. The next day we heard about two people dying nearby. The

experiences have grown larger over the days and we heard people

talking,whistling, and other strange noises. A couple nights ago we heard very

loud bells and we were not even near each other. So I called to ask if he


anything and he told me he heard the same thing. A day later we were told that

a man had commited suicide. People tell us it could be death bells we are

hearing. Anyone ever heard of ringing sounds announcing death?" - Jessica and

Joey in West Virginia <tmarcum@wizardsinc.net>




LEARNING EXCHANGE at 650 Howe Avenue in Sacramento, California. D.W. Hauck


be presenting a 3-hour seminar about local haunted places and investigations

with slides and video footage. The date is Tuesday, October 27 at 630 PM.

$29.00 fee includes guidebook and map to Sacramento's most haunted places. For

more information or to register, call 916-929-9200 or check their website for

updates at <http//www.learningexchange.com> .

VISION QUEST EXPO at the Henry Kaiser Convention Center in Oakland,


D.W. Hauck will be presenting a slide lecture on the Emerald Tablet and the

alchemy of the paranormal at 100 PM on Sunday, October 25, in Room One. There

will be a booksigning immediately after the lecture at the convention's

East-West Bookshop. General admission $10.00. For more information, call

800-996-9644 or visit the website at http//www.avisionquest.com.

ART BELL SHOW. Dennis William Hauck will be the guest on Art Bell's


show on Sunday, October 25. The three hour interview and call-in will be

simulcast on http//www.broadcast.com.

THE HISTORY CHANNEL. The "Haunted History" series premieres on Monday October

26 with "Haunted New England." "Haunted New Orleans" airs on October 27.

"Haunted Charleston" runs on October 28. Dennis William Hauck is featured in

the segment on "Haunted San Francisco" that airs on October 29. This is a

first-rate series with a lot of recent updates on some important cases. Check

your cable guide for airtimes.

SACRAMENTO COMCAST will present a documentary about Dennis William Hauck's

investigation of the Woodland Opera House during the third week in October.


segment features a tour, infrared film evidence and electronic survey


evidence of the ghost of W.W. Brown, a firefighter who lost his life trying to

save the old opera house in 1892. The one-hour program will be broadcase on

October 30 at 1200 midnight; October 31 at 500 AM and 400 PM; and on

November 1

at 800 AM.

SENIOR FOCUS syndicated radio show will feature a live call-in interview with

Dennis William Hauck from 1120 AM to noon (EST) on October 30. The show is

carried in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, Minnesota,

Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and South Dakota. Check local listings for

time and station.

ANTOINETTE'S HAUNTED HISTORY TOURS depart from the First Unitarian Church, 110

East Third Street in Alton, Illinois. Weekend tours include dinner October

2,3,4,9,10,11,16,17,18,23,24,25,30 and November 1. $42.00. Tours without


October 6,7,13,14,20,21,27,28. $30.00. Call 618-462-4009 for reservations.

EXCURSIONS INTO THE UNKNOWN tours hosted by the Ghost Research Society's Dale

Kaczmarek will be giving special Halloween tours throughout Chicago on October

23, 24, 30, 31 and November 6,7,13,14. Cost $30.00. These entertaining tours

last from 700 PM to midnight and depart from Chicago Ridge Mall, 95th &

Ridgeland Ave in Chicago Ridge, from the Sears Parking Lot. For more

information, call 708-425-5163 or visit http//www.ghostresearch.org.

MUFON CONFERENCE. On October 17th,at the Comfort Inn,Westport,in

St.Louis,Missouri;M.U.F.O.N. is hosting a regional U.F.O./I.A.C.conference.

$55.00 from 800am-10.00pm ,or $25.00 per session,morning,afternoon,or evening.

The theme is Government Connections with UFO's. Call 1-800-489-4UFO.

VINEYARD HOUSE in Coloma, California, investigation and tour will take

place on

October 24. Led by parapsychologist Robyn Street, the program includes dinner,

investigation, and tour of one of the most active haunted locations in the

California Sierra. Cost $65.00 by Oct1/ $75.00 after. Tickets and information


GHOST TOURS in Seattle's (Washington) Historic Pike Place Market. The Pike

Place Market Ghost tours, now in their 6th year, lead by Mikael Yaeger,

Honorary Mayor of the Market and Sheila Lyon, SeattleUs foremost fortune


and Magic Lady. Discover the history of the Market with stories of Princes

Angeline, Chief SeattleUs Daughter, The Fat Women, The Swingshift Ghost, the

story of Seattle's first mortuary and many more. Dates October-November 1998

and January -May l999. Times Daytime Costs $10.00. Get a group together of

6 or

more and call 206-713-8506 or 206-624-9102. Email Sheila@speakeasy.org or

http//www.speakeasy.org/mayor .The Ghost tours benefits Pike Place Market

Foundation, which supports the Market Medical Clinic, Child Care Center and


THE LONDON (ENGLAND) GHOSTWALK departs from Exit One of the Blackfriars

Underground Station on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. For

more information, visit the webpage at http//www.Scoot.Co.uk/ghostwalk.



984-9353. Morris County is filled with spooky ghost stories and haunted sites.

During this tour, riders will ride by some of the most notorious ghostly


in the state. Weird NJ Magazine will co-host this ghostly ride. $35 adults/


kids. Please call for information and time.

WEIRD NEW JERSEY BUS TOUR on October 17. Sponsored by Peak Adventures (201)

216-9998. We’re gonna take you to the places you only read about! A full size

bus with bathroom and five video monitors. A five hour tour departing at 10am

at The Old Canal Inn, 2 East Passaic Ave., Nutley and finishing at 3pm back at

the Old Canal where WNJ merchandise will be avaialble for purchase. Seating

very limited and available on a first come, first served basis. $59 per person

(includes breakfast and lunch along the way). Please call Peak Adventures.

Visa/AMEX/MC accepted.


slides and adventures from the Weird New Jersey guys Mark and Mark.

(201)939-8600 Ex.3.


The Old Canal Inn, 2 East Passaic Ave., Nutley, NJ. $150 for best costume.


entertainment, free food, free admission, cash bar. GRAND PRIZE RAFFLE of


Weird NJ issue (that’s right!) t-shirts, promos, CD and everything

connected to

Weird NJ! (raffle tickets $1) Space is limited. 21 & over please.

MONTCLAIR (NEW JERSEY) ADULT SCHOOL on November 12th, 930 am Lecture Local

Legends & Best Kept Secrets. Monclair Adult School, 40 South Fullerton Ave.,

Montclair. Fee. The Art Of Living And Learning Series Please call


for info. Seating reserved.


Televison Show on Cablevision’s Local Live Channel 6 in Bergen/Passaic County.

Give us a call and tell us what’s weird around your neighborhood! If you can't

get the show on your local cable network call anyway between 7-8pm. Hotline #



This free electronic newsletter is dedicated to disseminating information on

breaking paranormal activity in North America. An archive of past issues is

maintained at http//www.haunted-places.com. New case leads, personal accounts,

media information, and organizational activities are always welcome!If you

would like to become a Paranormal Correspondent and write your own by-lined

column for this newsletter, email <HauckReport@theglobe.com>. To unsubscribe,

send email with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.



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